you May hear the term “modern indulgences” yet?
I’ve already heard too often. In 2017, we wanted to congratulate tweeting for the day of reformation: “500 years of indulgences, Atmos fair.” We have then left.

But what do you say to the notion?
you Want to hear the standard answer?

The real selling of indulgences has only creates pressure and anxiety. With us, people support, Yes, Meaningful. The main difference is: The money is in Rwanda or Nepal – and will not disappear in the pocket of the priest.

Both models will work but only the bad Conscience.
Yes, and? Studies on the subject say that people fly in addition, just because you compensate. Thus, compensation helps the climate, even if not flying would be better. And if I’m causing with my flight of 5 tonnes of CO2 and those whose hut is swept away, per year, only 0.1 tons, is a bad Conscience is appropriate – if I’m not on the way to a humanitarian use.

But what exactly happens if you offset the 5 tonnes of carbon dioxide in the Atmos fair?
Of the money, we Finance projects in other Parts of the world, that less CO2 is ejected. The payment of compensation equivalent to the cost of the appropriate technology on-site, for example, when we build small biogas plants for farmers and their families in Nepal. It is important to know: We are active in the projects and getting later by the UN, the CO2 reductions certified. We do not buy CO2 certificates.

Why not?
We don’t trust the rules. From practice we know that even the best CO2 Standards have gaps.

What exactly is the difference between the trade with certificates and what they do?
A trader buys a CO2-certificate, maybe from a dealer, the can be two steps away from the one who operates the project. He is not on site. If we buy Photovoltaic Panels for rural electrification of villages in Africa, we can say what we have done with the money. The Standards do not consider, however, how much money, for example, in a project arrives.

For example, if a plant for biofuels would already have been built?
Exactly. Of 2 million euros, the cost of our biomass power plant in India, we have paid 1.8 million euros and do not support it as in the case of a feed-in tariff per kilowatt-hour, because the Indian Tariff is not sufficient. We can be fairly sure that this would end without us. Others would perhaps be in a similar project, only 100’000 Euro, but you get the same amount of compensation. Clearly, the CO2 reductions are there, the other plant is running. But that would do it probably anyway!

Many of our competitors lower prices, as Atmosfair. How do you recognize a realistic sum?
also depends on the technology used. But if a ton of CO2 costs in the compensation of significantly less than 20 euros, you should explain what the contribution will be used. You might get a certificate for it, but that may be worthless. And the passengers not to think at such rates, that fly through the environmental cost is actually expensive.

Who compensates you the most? Companies or individuals?
two years Ago, the ratio was almost exactly 50:50. There are now around 80 per cent of individuals have increased a lot more.

What do you say to someone who argued that compensation bring nothing, as long as in China’s 180 airports to be built?
That is nonsense.

nonsense one often hears.
But I have to answer what I can change. Airports in China, I can not influence. For his Mallorca-flight, each is responsible.

How often do you fly?
Private I’ve never flown. As an environmental activist, was the unimaginable, in a thing to enter. For the first Time ever, I flew for atmosfair, 2010 to Nigeria, I think.

apparently Was not so impressive.
But, because I felt the Board really uncomfortable. Even today, I do for a living in Europe, all by train, but to Africa or Asia, I fly for timing reasons. But I still don’t get a bite down. Air travel is, for me, no experience. Rail travel already. The post-Kyoto climate conference, for example.

there’s not so much attention as for Greta Thun mountain sailing trip.
About, the criticism of it, I have annoyed me pretty. Questions such as “What is Greta say?” are typical: We are looking for hair, especially in foreign soups. Just because in times of Instagram, no one can imagine to do one thing alone out of Conviction.

How do you see the global climate movement of the “Fridays for Future”?
I think it’s awesome and with go time. I like that you are solution oriented: in the past, it was for students to more criticism of capitalism, quite theoretically, and a lot of Marx. Important, but today it is more targeted.

you Think you can make it, to limit the temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius?
I do not need to be optimistic. That we can do it, no question.

But we are there?
I would be 50:50 say:.

Created: 13.11.2019, 22:56 PM