swipe to that Historic happening on Capitol hill, there is perhaps no better place to be than in room 1100 of the Longworth building. Columns on the walls, chandeliers on the ceiling, a thick carpet and dark furniture: Everything in this sitting room with a posh and state-supporting.

Everything appears to be made of how the Democrats see their Impeachment investigation against Donald Trump : as a serious, but necessary process that should end in the indictment of a in your eyes lawless President. Now, this method goes to the next Phase. Before the intelligence Committee of the house of representatives to the public hearing of witnesses in the Ukraine affair began on Wednesday.

The first witnesses were not chosen at random: William Taylor, and George Kent, two long-standing, respected career diplomats, took shortly before 10 a.m., in room 1100 of space. As they were then under the lightning storm of cameras, their oath, knew already what they would say.

Especially Taylor, the managing the U.S. Ambassador in Kiev, had Trump already burdened in its confidential hearing before the house intelligence Committee difficult. He noted that Trump military have made aid to Ukraine explicitly dependent on the Ukrainian President Volodimir Selenskij announced investigations against Trumps rivals Joe Biden.

the wording of The witnesses

The question on Wednesday was, therefore, rather, as Taylor and Kent would represent their point of view on the events. In short, succinct sentences? In a way, the power of even those Americans impression, don’t have to spend your day on the television, a hearing in Parliament to look at?

It was hoped the Democrats. A lot of the speech was the last of the “Show”, which would provide the Opposition with the Impeachment hearings, to convince a wide Public that Trump had abused his Power as President to his personal advantage, as he Selenskji on 25. Urging of July on the phone with the investigation.

“In my whole career, something not experienced”

Especially a lot of the Democrats promised by Taylor. The 72-Year-old was already retired, as US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo asked to assume the ambassadorial post in Ukraine. There Taylor was, like Trump, via his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, the official policy of the U.S. government behind went, which is to defend Ukraine against aggression of Russia.

He got even with how the U.S. government blocked in the summer, the military aid to Kiev. It had become clear that this money would only flow if Selenskij investigations against Biden and his son say Hunter. He had kept this link for “crazy,” Taylor said before the deputies, “and I’ll do it today”. In his whole career, he have experienced something like never.

And then Taylor, a tall, thin man with a deep voice said, something New – something that resulted in the U.S. media immediately for excitement. One of his employees have noticed how Trump on the phone with Gordon Sondland, the US Ambassador to the EU, according to the progress of the investigation against the Biden’s have asked – and the day after trump’s controversial interview with Selenskij.

For the Democrats it is a “devastating” revelation, as it was called, the Deputy Ted Lieu: proof that the President was personally committed to the Ukraine for a smear campaign against his rival clamp. And to have a proof that Trump is not for corruption, interested, as he claims, but only against Biden in the Hand.

All only second-Hand?

The Republicans were unimpressed. The accusations that the Democrats were “absurd,” said Devin Nunes, the leader of the party in the Senate intelligence Committee. The Impeachment investigation was unfair because they allow the Republicans own summon witnesses – for example, Hunter Biden, his father as a former Vice-President of the Ukraine-policy of the USA was on the Board of a Ukrainian energy company, was sitting while in charge. Trump accuses the Bidens, therefore, corruption, and the Republicans in the intelligence Committee sought to interview Taylor and Kent on this subject, which, however, was very productive.

they advanced repeatedly, your other arguments against Impeachment. Trump said his allies have exerted no pressure on Selenskij. The have confirmed the Ukrainian President himself. By Trump tried to combat the corruption in the Ukraine, he has acted appropriately. And The military aid flowed, ultimately, where the Problem is?

Whether or not the appearance of Taylor and Kent make a difference for the supporters of the President a change of Opinion, is doubtful. Many of the witnesses who are called in by the Democrats in the next two weeks, are well-respected diplomats and government employees. But they had – as in the case of Taylor and Kent – mostly no direct contact with Trump. Their assessments of the Motivation of the President were based alone on “hear say”, so the Republicans. “And you want to be the star witness?”, the Deputy Jim Jordan said to Taylor. to invalidate

To this criticism, would have to convince the Democrats welfare of other persons to give evidence. People such as John Bolton, the former National security adviser, who spoke daily with the President. Bolton was still in office, as the Ukraine affair took its course.

Several witnesses were questioned by the Democrats behind closed doors, said that he distanced himself from the attempt to socialize the US military aid for Kiev to conditions. He wanted to do with such a “drug deal” nothing to. Bolton will not want to occur just prior to the Congress, but requires that first, a court granted the release of the statement. And, it seems, the Democrats don’t want to wait.

Created: 13.11.2019, 22:05 Uhr