the city’s image, no. 007 It could be cartoons, is the first guess, mockery of the Ratsbetriebs. 23 faces show up under the Windows on the ground floor of the town hall. Terrible Beings! We gather all our courage and keep your ear to the vile mouths. And actually, with a bit of ill will, a Rumbling is heard, the sounds such as tax reduction, solidarity, climate emergency, debt reduction, affordable housing. Or the figures show, perhaps, tortured prisoners? Because in the town hall there used to be cells on the roof to the ground.

One of the faces on the facade. Image: Urs Jaudas

Why is the seat of the Zurich democracy with such deserts figures? Who is to be deterred? The Aristocracy? The Communism? It is certain, that the Sovereign abstain from the Parliament; the auditorium is mostly empty. Although the President of the Kantonsrats and the municipal Council invite to attend the meetings, but that is of little use. Maybe you should miss the birth of a Smile. However, there is the noise of the monument care, because the town hall is highly protected.

the person Who designed it? Semper? Gull? Haefeli/Moser/Steiger? The cross incorrectly. The Zurich town hall was built from 1694 to 1698 – under constant plan changes and quarrels due to wages and Bungling. There was no architect. Rather, the city architect and the building Committee of the architectural catalogue used. In the style of the Italian late Renaissance with Baroque decorations, the house should demonstrate the Size and sovereignty of the city Republic of Zürich.

23 heroic figures above the Windows on the ground floor, this claim had to testify. Including the confederates Tell and Winkelried, or the mayor Brun and Stüssi. But cavort at the town hall, also Make reference to the Limmat river not spontaneously obvious: Miltiades, Themistocles and Epaminondas – Greek gentlemen.

This man with the fancy mustache is the legendary Mr Winkelried. Image: Urs Jaudas

The Romans are also represented, including Brutus. The Caesar killer, will be honored at the Zurich town hall? No, not the knife engraver Marcus Brutus, but the Consul Lucius Brutus. And what now do the 23 monster with this hero parade? It heads of a lion, the kings of the animals, poor relatives of the two Golden lion over the entrance, and keep the Zurich coat of arms are comfortable.

As if these heroes would not strengthen the city hall enough, add to this power, despite the end of inscriptions. However, to understand someone, because you are Latin. Freely translated, for example: “Not for me, but for country.” – “Freedom is more important than blood.” – “Either death or an honorable life.”

a Child? The inscription above the Portal. Image: Urs Jaudas

in 1703, the English writer, Joseph Addison, was on the trip home from Italy in Zurich, inspected the hall thoroughly, as he had heard of its magnificence. Addison’s judgment: It is as beautiful as the most beautiful Italian town halls, but the inscriptions were a child. “You have to prove to the backward taste of the Swiss.”

Created: 13.11.2019, 16:34 PM