Christian Levrat steps down as President of the social Democrats. Since the election defeat, it was speculated, now, the Freiburger announced his departure in an Interview with the “look” yourself. In the ongoing succession debate, many voices say in the party that a woman should take over the Bureau. Some national councillors are in the foreground.

Min Li Marti. “I can imagine, in principle, be a candidate,” says SP-national councillor for Min Li Marti. However, there are some unfavorable factors. “I run a newspaper, what is very time-consuming, my husband is in the conversation for the party Bureau of the Greens, and I have a small child. I’ll think of the now in peace.”

to run Whether or not Marti, depends also on who is applying else to the Post. “I could imagine, for example, Gabriela Suter, cantonal President in Aargau, or Franziska Roth Solothurn good. Flavia water would make it safe super, Barbara Gysi and Mattea Meyer also – and then there are also some options for a Co-presidency. You must also consider how to divide the tasks in the Bureau in the future, in order to make such models possible.”

Mattea Meyer. With only 31 years, the Winterthur national councillor of all possible Candidates is the most Recent. She says the party Bureau was “a very challenging and exciting office with a lot of makes a difference”. If you will yourself to run, don’t want Meyer to say currently. On the day of the resignation announcement it is now for the time being, therefore, to thank Levrat for his twelve years at the party helm.

Barbara Gysi. , The Vice-President of the SP is seeking a higher meaning. In 2015, she was a candidate for the Presidency, and the end of 2018 for the Bureau of the trade Union Federation, but lost both times. Now she says to the question Levrats succession: “I’m considering a candidacy seriously, and I will discuss with my environment.” It was clear to her that “the party leadership must be female: I would like to see a woman on top.” A few weeks ago had been speculated, instead of the SP-the Bureau could Gysi to the aspirating positions in the St. Gallen cantonal government. From this race, she has retired now but.

Flavia of water fall. Now the thanks and respect belong to the President, assigned SP-national councillor Flavia water with traps. “There is time enough, the analysis of the elections, the party internally, to conclude, for example, of the Assembly of delegates on may 30. November to adjust the strategy for the coming years and to lead discussions and Considerations, which relates to human questions.”

as for a possible own candidacy, said water fall: “conversations and Considerations of running.”

Nadine mass Hardt. The 35-year-old Bernese national councillor is promoted by the party leadership’s strong. She is the head of the transparency initiative, which was submitted by the SP two years ago, they also acted as national campaign Manager. This Morning, Hardt said Mass on Twitter, however, is clear: “For the SP-party Bureau, I am available.”

Marina Carobbio. Ticino member of the Swiss Parliament is currently the highest Swiss. Until the end of December, she presided over the national Council, and would be again free for other tasks. It is also the only Italian-speaking representative, who comes to the party Bureau in question. However, the office for Carobbio is not an Option: “I’m not available.”

Jacqueline Badran. , the 58-year-old national councillor from Zurich is Called in the party. It was in this year’s elections in the Canton of Zurich, the panaschier Queen, that means: No other candidate received so many votes from voters of other parties. Badran is currently abroad and was not available for comment unavailable.

Though the call for a woman in the party very loud, and also several male Papabili in the succession discussion. In the current context, a man at the top would be, but probably only with a Co-presidency together with a woman possible.

Cédric Wermuth. The 33-year-old from Aargau strong ambitions to be the national Council on, the Bureau said. He did not want to comment on request of this newspaper but is currently on the issue of staffing. Today is the day is now to thank Christian Levrat, said Wermuth.

Beat Jans. of The Basel SP-national councillor and Vice-President of the party, however, makes clear that he stands for candidacy available. “Instead, I want to concentrate all forces on the implementation of the energy transition. If I apply in a year for the vacant councillor seat in Basel-city, I can’t say today.”

Jon Pult. The freshly-elected SP national Council of Graubünden, is traded for years as a possible Aspirant on the party Presidium. For Levrat-successor console has canceled already. “It is time for a woman,” said he three weeks ago to this newspaper.

Created: 12.11.2019, 05:57 PM