do you Remember the “Mini Playback Show”? In this television show for children in the shoes (and costumes) are hatched from music stars and have done so, as if you were singing to music from the Band. This principle, to the App-era transfer, the recipe is the “currently most popular App in the world” ( about Tiktok).

this App will emerge on the Selfie camera short video clips, in which moves the lip-sync to a piece of music. Will beefed up the performance effects that result from the beat of the music. Like the look of can, has Ueli Maurer demonstrated in April, when he visited in Beijing is the Tiktok-operator byte dance. So done, as if he were singing, not the Federal President. But he is a little hüftsteif to a fat electro beat and gewippt.

So the sound may seem silly: Tiktok is not only very popular, but also enormously successful. The App has managed to win within three years, more than a billion active users per month for themselves. At the beginning of the summer, and this milestone was achieved. The App is placed at the end of October to second place in the global Download charts, just behind Whatsapp.

Facebook on the heels of

No other social network has grown so quickly. Facebook has taken almost nine years for this milestone, Instagram eight. The parent company of byte dance last year was 75 billion US dollars and is considered to be one of the most valuable Start-ups. The founder Zhang Yiming is coming according to “Forbes” on assets of 16.2 billion dollars.

The “Financial Times” has analyzed at the weekend, this success story in a long piece, and the word “silly” (with all the synonyms that would give the dictionary) overused. The Lightheartedness is the obvious secret recipe.

The slap stick of good, the greater is fooling around, the Chance at glory

Because Around something, the mastery of the target group – young people – by nature. The more absurd a Video, the greater the chances of success, claim successful Tiktoker. The slap stick of good, the greater the Chance of 15 minutes of fame: Where is the elsewhere?

you Find that funny? Compilation with Hit Videos from Tiktok.

A study from the United Kingdom suggests that half of the 12 – to 15-Year-old to watch such Videos. 87 percent of the Tiktok users say that they feel on other platforms, uncomfortable. In the case of Instagram, the pressure to have to live with the Influencers to keep up increases. In the case of Facebook, for its part, there is an older audience, and no Escape from political disputes.

Systematic censorship?

Many of the Tiktok is not, however, see as a harmless entertainment App for the young Generation. Some are concerned that because the App comes from China. At the end of September, the British newspaper “The Guardian has received plays” a document, after which the moderators of the platform are instructed to delete systematically Posts. Undesirable contributions with respect to the massacre at the Tiananmen square, the Tibetan independence and the religious group Falun Gong. In the case of gross violations, the content will not be deleted, but the user is locked. In the case of smaller Violations of the content are hidden and are only for the Creator of visible.

The rules according to which this happens, are broad: Unwanted topics “such as separatism, conflicts between ethnic groups and sects, are the aspirations for independence in Northern Ireland, Chechnya, Tibet and Taiwan, and Exaggeration of the conflict between Black and White Fuel”.

protests in Hong Kong hidden

byte dance has responded to “The Guardian”, this requirements to be and may in may have been replaced. Even then, the criticism was loud. The Washington Post had written, it would be censored posts on the protests in Hong Kong. Tiktok is to be China’s most effective weapon in the global information war, according to the leaf: “The App brings censorship on Chinese-style to the Mainstream audience in the United States.”

byte dance himself writes in a support document, it would not remove content because of Chinese sensitivities. “We were invited by the Chinese government to remove content. And we would not cooperate in such a case.” Also, the rules on homosexuality have been deleted. There is no censorship in the case of LGBTQI±content.

Nothing Personal

in this Country to give you also has concerns, especially regarding bullying. The city police Winterthur has the App for half a year on the screen, because more children offended, just, and bullied would be. It reiterates its recommendation that children and young people should be encouraged, no personal information and no-too-permissive content to disclose.

Whether it will establish Tiktok as a large platform, remains to be seen. Mark Zuckerberg is not the type to watch a young competitor of his platform is dangerous. The Snapchat revealed: The Facebook chief has been wanting to buy the young people popular Messenger in the first place and then, after his offer had been beat mercilessly copied. Snapchat is today, disappeared.

In the case of Tiktok Zuckerberg moved on to the strategy, its platform as a place of freedom of expression to write about it. In a speech in October, sounded so: “While we protect with Whatsapp and its strong encryption protesters and activists around the world, are mentions of the protests in the Chinese App Tiktok censored – we want to an Internet ?”

Facebook has already launched last year a similar Video App called Lasso. Which has so far thrown any waves. Zuckerberg will need to do more to rap than just the freedom of speech, if he want to counter the silly App from the middle Kingdom seriously something.

Created: 12.11.2019, 19:06 PM