there is A Problem with our Smartphones is that the devices understand us humans. You don’t understand, if we want to focus on your work and no notifications want to see. You have no idea when us in the mood for music, and when we prefer to have peace and quiet. And while there are on all devices, digital assistants, but do only what you tell them.

If this ever changes, it remains to be seen. But at least it is getting easier and easier, the devices to our desires in the mood. Apple has, in fact, with the chosen operating system Update to iOS 13, the NFC interface opened. This allows us users to manage our devices in a straightforward way: Namely, small adhesive labels, which we place strategically.

At Work

be disturbed What are the possibilities in front of the opened, and how exactly it works, the Video. For example, the phone can be by an adhesive on the screen of the office PC automatically in the “do Not disturb”-mode, so it can work undisturbed. A sticker on the headset automatically connects via Bluetooth. And just as it is possible to start by NFC by holding the phone to the wireless speaker the favorite Playlist.

There are countless other use cases. Because such a label can do not only individual tasks, but all the processes set in motion. The set up is not rocket science – shows how to use the the Video also. And for more tips and options you will also find in this Video here. The should but serve only as an example: really useful not to the actions from the bar, but the one that the crop exactly to their own needs.

batteries it does not need to

The NFC Tags that come in the Video, have two advantages. They are relatively cheap: The price varies depending on the reference source. If you want to order in the domestic, you will find it at DIY for 80 cents a piece. And by the way: you do not need any battery, and therefore create no maintenance.

be programmed As the chip, which leads to the the Video also. For iPhone the App NFC for iPhone comes in. It is available for free in the App Store. The Removal of the advertising costs as an In-App purchase of 4 francs. A comparable App for Android is a Trigger (for free in Play Store). You can not only be triggered with NFC Chips, but also on many other Android system functions and is a real recommendation for people who want to exploit the automation capabilities on the phone.

There are of course things that don’t work with NFC yet, as one would wish. An example we have described here.

Created: 11.11.2019, 15:51 PM