Six weeks after the parliamentary elections and in-depth exploratory interviews Sebastian has announced Briefly as Chairman of the Austrian people’s party (ÖVP) on Monday its readiness, in official coalition talks with the green party to enter. The Greens have decided to make their willingness to negotiate on the previous day, in the Extended Federal Executive Committee. Austria to controls, therefore, on a turquoise-green Federal government.

The two parties in the national Council together on a not too lavish, a majority of 97 of 183 members. Their Alliance would be at the Federal level, a novelty. With a view to the significant differences in content, both emphasize, however, that to overcome on the way to the formation of a new government are still big hurdles and a positive conclusion was not at all sure.

Text highlighted with his appearance in the Viennese ÖVP Headquarters several times, that the inclusion of coalition negotiations, “a result the Ford is more open at the beginning of a quite challenging process”. As an example of policy fields, on which the positions of the two parties were far apart, he called the for the green electorate, the Central environmental and climate issues, as well as in the ÖVP focus is on the areas of Migration and economy.

a lot of creativity will be As “necessary”. Party internally, he has hedged himself before the start of the coalition talks during a Meeting with all the ÖVP-country leaders on Sunday evening. There, the decision was unanimous, he said.

Unanimously, the decision in the case of the Green had been. This may be understood as a Signal to the people’s party, in whose ranks the new negotiating partner because of their fond well-maintained heterogeneity rather than unsafe Kantonisten.

party leader Werner Kogler is it after the election success on may 29. In September, the Greens had 13.9 percent of the votes will re-enter to the Parliament managed to do, however, have managed to bring Unity and peace in the own ranks. The particular ÖVP, and the Short critical current Vienna Green had reached in the course of the exploratory talks only positive signals.

“What concerns all, can only solve all”

“Our Hand to the ÖVP is stretched out,” said Kogler now. At the same time, he spoke of a “Venture” and a “pioneering work” that had to be done. “How this turns out, we don’t know.” To strengthen his Position, he relied finally on the Swiss writer Friedrich Dürrenmatt: “What concerns all, can only solve all”.

In clear text, this means that the Green’s role as a party in government, unlike the opposition now have a Chance to take to change the policy. “It makes a difference whether a center-Right party with a legal right of the party or with the Greens in coalition,” says Kogler. Austria will look like in the case of a participation of the Greens in the government, unlike under the previous coalition of the ÖVP and the FPÖ. Explicitly, the Greens leader also pointed out that it “would have on a European level,” meaning, “if such an Experiment would succeed”.

As a pragmatist Kogler takes his own party in the responsibility and swears to make concessions: “In the parliamentary democracy as we know it, we are not allowed to defame compromise,” he said. On top of that, he was the target not only government cooperation for a term, but for ten years.

to survive Until it could actually come to this, but now once the difficult negotiations. At-a-time plan, want to set no one. Briefly, the two-month-long coalition talks, which he had led to the election in 2017 with the freedom party, described as “incredibly quickly”. He promised only, “to press the pace, to pay attention at the same time but also on the quality”.

Also, the Greens do not want to be under time pressure. In addition, a Trauma from the years 2003 to affects you still. Then, too, they had negotiated after a failed black-blue government with the ÖVP under Wolfgang Schüssel, to form a coalition. At the end, but the contrasts are too big and the bowl was then a new edition of the Alliance with the Freedom of a remained.

not trying to Short now to alleviate this Trauma. On the contrary, The announcement of the coalition negotiations with the Greens Association with an explicit praise for the FPÖ-Chef Norbert Hofer. He was sorry that the FPÖ had decided after their defeat in the election to lead for the time being no negotiations, said Kurz, adding later: “But sometimes things change in politics.” So he has opened the door for the Greens and the FPÖ had not yet hit.

Created: 11.11.2019, 14:48 PM