In Milan, you will encounter in these rainy autumn days, an elegant, elderly woman, the hooked on two well-dressed gentlemen of middle age. The scene is so grotesque, so sad that photographers hold on to you everywhere. As Time Documents. The men are Carabinieri, Bodyguards in civilian clothes. The lady called Liliana Segre, she is 89 years old and a Senator for life. “Take photos of the pretty girl,” she said to the photographers and laughed.

Liliana Segre is a Jew, she survived Auschwitz. For many years, she travels through Italy and told in school classes, what happens when hatred overwhelms the heart.

hate on the net

With 13, in January 1944, she was deported in a train at Binario 21, the used Track 21 of Milan’s Central railway station. Of the 776 Italian children, who were taken to extermination camps, have survived only 25. Segre was a symbolic figure. In the past year, honored by Italy’s President, for her tireless service to the Recall with a permanent seat in the Senate. A higher distinction in the Republic.

even then, hatred stirred in the network, he has been ever since, growing bigger and bigger. 200 Posts in a matter of days, the Observatory against anti-Semitism, alone against Liliana Segre. Unspeakable things there. Hitler didn’t do his Job properly. Or: Segre fit well into an incinerator.

a few days Ago, Liliana Segre in the Senate, gave a speech in which she called for a Commission against racism and anti-Semitism. From curses death threats. The prefect of Milan, decided, therefore, to provide segregation under police protection. You didn’t want that. She also knew nothing of the hatred on the net, your kids hid it from her.

“to Me, it threatens finally.”Matteo Salvini, a former Prime Minister

But the haters are only one aspect of the phenomenon, it goes deeper. After Segres speech in the Senate, the entire left half of the chamber for a tribute to rose. The right side just stayed sitting, and indeed the entire rights to Matteo Salvini: the Lega Nord, Fratelli d’italia, even the allegedly moderate-minded members of Forza Italia.

As it’s now known that the Segre is protected, pushed it off to a memorable comparison: “to Me, it threatens to, finally,” he said. He just got sent back to a ball, but he does not deplore yourself. The message was: I, the politician, and the Survivors of Auschwitz – this is the same story, we make time, no Drama.

In this climate, the constant of the hatred in certain circles is rampant relativization, and the specific ambivalences unabated: against immigrants, against a footballer with black skin color, against Jews. In the current year, especially vandalism in cemeteries have been recorded in Italy 190 anti-Semitic acts, 60 percent more than in the previous year.

The new rights to the mayor of Pescara, had now to tell you that he refuse to Segre the honorary citizenship, the would divide his town only””. Probably Liliana Segre didn’t even know there was a debate. And hopefully you will be spared the rejection of the mayor.

Created: 10.11.2019, 19:01 PM