At first glance, the Spanish parliamentary elections are bad news. As before, the opportunities for the formation of a stable government are bad, the ruling socialists have slightly lost votes, the Executive Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, the hope of European social democracy, emerged weakened from the elections. Instead, there was a turn to the Right, benefited mainly the nationalist grouping, Vox has to load, the socially and politically to the reverse and Catalonia-the Problem with increased police operations would like to solve.

On second glance, however, speak some indications that the country could overcome its internal political paralysis, even if not immediately. Moderate optimism give signals from the ranks of the conservative people’s party (PP), which has been located since the spring of 2018 in the Opposition, after they had led in the years before the country out of the severe economic crisis. Its leader, Pablo Casado, has returned to a moderate course, after he had gone in the last elections in April with his Try to beat Vox with nationalist slogans and under.

A cooperation between the two parties seems to be the only way, the accumulation of reform.

The 38-year-old Casado has moderated since the summer of his rhetoric. He wants to correct his Image as a calf-biters and a political lightweight; not least because he now wears a full beard, before he looked very boyish. Above all, he is on the political course of his predecessor to the PP-to-peak, Mariano Rajoy, swung in, the party had moved a far piece to the middle.

at the same time has sought socialists-in-chief Pedro Sánchez in his election campaign to the political center. The two major parties have converged, thus, programmatically to some fields, even if you have given in the election campaign, nothing.

A Grand coalition of socialists and Conservatives after the German model, although in the short term is most unlikely. However, Casado has not excluded, that the PP could now tolerate a new edition of Sánchez’s minority Cabinet. The two largest Spanish parties have fought traditionally always hard and never common ground sought; since the Transition to democracy after the death of the dictator Franco in 1975, they ruled alternately the the country.

Now it seems to be a medium-term cooperation between the two parties is the only way, the accumulation of reform, in which Spain is located. The Psoe under Sánchez be able to do it alone is unlikely, especially since they lost on Sunday, their majority in the Senate, which must approve every law project.

Vox has only brought in 15 percent of the voters behind.

Rajoy had already proposed once, in 2016, Sánchez, such a coalition. This was refused at that time, he still hoped that he finds one day, a left-wing majority for the formation of a government. But this is excluded since the election of this Sunday is only once. In Parliament there is no majority. It gave you before: In the previous Parliament, the socialists of Sánchez had received a majority of only together with the left alternatives of the Alliance Podemos Unidas, as well as the Catalan left Republicans.

the Latter, but a referendum on independence for their home region in the face by Sanchez, citing the constitutional challenge. The allegation that he had gambled with the scheduling of new elections only a year and a half after the last elections, is so nonsensical: He had no Alternative, since he would have found himself in a go together with Podemos is not a majority for its budget proposal.

on closer examination is also failed, despite the enormous increase in mandates for the Vox compared to the elections in April, the turn to the Right among the voters is not dramatic: The seats in the national Parliament are not allocated by percentage, such as in the Federal Republic, but to the constituencies, respectively, ahead of candidates, the mandate to get.

Vox has only brought in 15 percent of the voters behind. It is not enough to take on the formation of a government influence, quite apart from the fact that the Vox comes to foreign policy, not a potential threat is: In contrast to the national populists in other European countries regard their country’s membership in the EU, not the grouping in question.

Both sides need to learn compromise.

especially, the percentage of the three on the right, has not increased-oriented parties: The percent who have won the PP and Vox, and has lost the right-wing liberal citizens ‘ party (Ciudadanos).

The originally moderate Ciudadanos had still a sharp nationalist rhetoric in the debate over Catalan separatism, rather than to the role of bridge-Builder to take – and in an unprecedented way crashed: Of the 57 mandates, which they had won in April, they could defend in the last ten.

It was a big political stupidity of Ciudadanos-Chef Albert Rivera, the political center of free. This is now pushed from the right, Pablo Casado of the PP, the set only once, as a leading figure in the right range.

Casado is its bad defeat in elections in April, more modest. Sánchez was disenchanted by the elections this Sunday. If both of you focus now sober on problem solutions, and insight that you need, given the fragmentation of the Parliament, with its twelve parties to each other, so it is not inconceivable that Spain still gets in the foreseeable future, a viable government. Both sides need to learn but to compromise.

Created: 11.11.2019, 09:33 PM