more Than 900 research articles in a comprehensive report What is the role of the arts in improving health and well-being? A scoping review is the largest to date, to make an inventory of arts and culture’s effect on health.

the Report become familiar with the university of the Arts art education the study director Guess Lehikoisen is not any wonder that such a sampling is published right now.

medical science has kind of gotten the domination of well-being and health in the debate, and now approached again the WHO’s 1948 definition, where health is understood as physical, mental and social wellbeing – and not merely the absence of disease and weakness, a shortcoming.

– from This perspective, health is seen as perhaps the more life force as a resource, rather than the goal. It involves the idea that people can actually many ways to maintain and strengthen their own well-being, for example arts and culture season.

the Report is timely also from the Finnish perspective. In the 2000s there has been much discussion of welfare state expansion development ended. Many scholars have emphasized how in Finland, economic development and population, a steep ageing due to public welfare services have to think again, because the tax money you are no longer all sufficient.

let’s Talk of the sustainability gap, which is aroused in finland, the interest about how preventive measures can strengthen a person’s health and well-being. Corrective measures are much more expensive and often more uncertain.

– in This context, art-based creativity and active cultural activities and arts participation is seen as a good means to strengthen people’s physical, mental and social well-being and health, Kai Lehikoinen said.

Music wide-ranging effects

that sort of result has ended up also the WHO’s report. It is clear evidence that arts activities participation can help to strengthen the health and well-being.

– These links are complex. Art work multi-channel and affect people in different ways. Art allows people to be committing more strongly to participate in treatment and care for health. In addition, art to strengthen the imagination of use, activate the senses, evokes emotions and stimulates brain function. All this has an impact on health.

the Report mentions that when, for example, kesko slap as we call certain types of music, these vital functions are strengthened and an incubator, the time spent will be shortened. Music has had a similar effect also surgery patients.

– Music is wide-ranging effects on the ability to concentrate and to relax. Dance again has been found to be useful, for example, parkinson’s disease, the people, Kai Lehikoinen says.

the UNESCO has recommended that art education for people of all ages, and for example, the school of drama activity has been found to reduce bullying and mutual competition.

– Participatory drama project to help young people to see themselves and their own situation as part of a wider social picture. Community theater again is empowering effects on individuals: it strengthens the feeling of togetherness in the group.

according to the Report, arts participation can, inter alia, to reduce the risk of dementia and depression development.

– People’s life situations, which can get through even without medical treatment. Everyday for the headaches may not always need tylenol, but can go to listen to concerts, participate in dance class, the test in the middle of the gallery, or take a pen and write, say, a poem of his own life.

I’m not going to say that drug treatment should be taken to replace the artists, as simplistic this is, of course, nothing. There are many diseases that specifically require drug treatment, Lehikoinen stress.

ancient cultures believed in the art of healing power to

Art and culture-healing power has been a familiar issue even in ancient Egypt. There was considered important especially in the speech of a salutary effect.

in Ancient Greece, while Aristotle spoke katarsiksesta i.e. the art of the cleansing effect. A powerful artistic experience, or the drama of the turn of events with a strong emotional feeling of the eruption, followed by easily the stratification.

Also shaman cultures art has played a key role in the health and wellness strengthen – possibly also in ancient Finland, where samanismi was common.

the art of enhancing the power of shadow has been also outright gibberish. Some times ago, neuroscientists have stated that music has a beneficial effect on brain development.

the Case quickly on the wrong track, that commercial was the same way and the market docked härpäkkeet, which allows for the fetus called Mozart music. Mozart had very specific effects on intelligence and brain development, where there is no found evidence (you move to another service).

I Guess Lehikoisen according to WHO:n What is the role of the arts in improving health and well-being? A scoping review the report raises valuable things, which would support the decision-making level to take a booth.

– the Report highlights the industry boundaries cross-border cooperation, the importance of health and well-being strengthening. When art-based thinking and the health of the cultural contexts is taken into account in all activities and decision-making, is it an important message.

We should get away from independent silos working towards a multi-professional cooperation and search for solutions together – be it health, welfare or climate disaster, Lehikoinen amount.

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