History Reloaded”, 15. November 1889: blasted date”, is the anthem of the Brazilian Empire on Youtube. Another commentator says of the “times, in which Brazil, even the United States was respected. Today, it has become a joke.”

This glorious time ended on the 15. November 1889: In Rio de Janeiro, General Deodoro crashed da Fonseca, the government. The bloodless coup led to the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of the Republic.

Brazil as a special case

A monarchy, an Empire in South America? And this one time, in the other colonies of the New world detached from the mother country, or replaced? In fact, one can speak of a special case. The Napoleonic turmoil in Spain and Portugal did not lead directly to independence. Rather, Brazil was the guarantor for the Survival of the Portuguese king Dom João, the 1807 was there fled.

And yet, the monarchy has a lot to do with the independence of the country: After Dom João in 1821, was returned to Portugal, in order to secure the throne, left his son Pedro, Emperor of Brazil, crown, declared the country to be independent and installed a parliamentary monarchy.

As he followed nine years later, the example of the father, and to the old country after Portugal returned, was the Prince Regent. In 1840, he was crowned Pedro II. It is because of him mainly that many Brazilians mourns the passing today of the Empire.

flowering of culture and science

The young Emperor wanted to modernize his country after the model of the United States. Thanks to European immigration, the industrialization of the country began. The Export of important raw materials and foodstuffs brought wealth. Dom Pedro II left the Railways, the telephone and Telegraph network build. And he promoted culture and science In the country and abroad.

A blemish remained on the Image of a modernising country with enlightened monarchs: slavery. Although an abolitionist movement emerged in the 1860s in addition to a Republican – not least to pressure from the foreign countries. But it was not until 1888, the slavery was abolished. This brought the Big landowners final against the monarchy.

Comes in: In the war against Paraguay, the military had suffered because of technically obsolete equipment and a number of heavy losses and developed resentment. The leader of the 15. November, came from these ranks. Dom Pedro II refused to put down the rebellion. Two days later, he ascended with his family, a ship that should take him to the home of his ancestors. The Republic was born – the only Empire in South America history.

“history reloaded”

Back to the comments on Youtube: “Brazil is in need of a Emperor”, writes one. So a “history reloaded” in Brazil? It is not surprising, then, that today’s population craves after the corruption scandals of former presidents and the ultra-conservative and polarizing current incumbent to stability and integration figure, who enjoys Reputation abroad.

But: transfigured image and glory of the Empire. Pedro II was more aesthete than politician. His modernization attempts were limited to a small part of the country.

With its liberal policy, and the facade of a “crowned democracy” offered Pedro II, a civilized image of the country, which should attract foreign investors. However, the monarchy was considered to be of a growing enlightened middle class, as anachronistic and UN-American.

After all, a consolation to those who mourn for the Empire: The melody of the coronation anthem for Dom Pedro II is also jeneder today’s national anthem.

Created: 10.11.2019, 20:26 PM