to work

For Donald Trump , must be nerve-wracking. For example, employees get after Waking up in the Morning in a panic, if you see what wild announcements made by the President back on Twitter. You need to watch how the President of a self-inflicted crisis to the next slides. And you will experience a foul-mouthed man who is sexist and racist Manifestations of himself. And also believes that he is standing as President over the law.

The tell-all book by a former high-ranking employee of the White house paints a harrowing picture of a Trump presidency. A “warning from anonymous” is the insider report. The spokesperson of the White house, Stephanie Grisham, has dismissed the book as a precautionary measure, even as a Fiction, and the anonymous author of the cowardice of accused. The book appears on the next 19. November. Big Newspapers like Washington Post and New York Times are already in possession of text excerpts, which you are now reporting.

A danger to the Nation

Anonymus Trump describes as a cruel, unfit for the office and as a danger to the Nation, he was supposed to lead, actually. The President was “like a twelve-year-old in an airport Tower.” He press buttons, without having to worry about how the Situation on the runway and in the sky was. With this image Anonymus describes the style of government of Trump. This President is not in a position to lead the country through the major crises of the present, it means more. It is ignoring the briefing of his secret services and the National security Council. Rather, he was susceptible to flattery and manipulation of autocrats.

the effort has to Trump the rule of law institutions. Federal judges who decide against his policy, he doesn’t like. He would abolish it the most, how the internal conversation goes. And what he says in a small circle about immigrants from Mexico, crosses the border of the people’s contempt. “Then these women come in with seven children. You want to help, because her husband has left her. But they are useless, they do nothing for our country,” scolded Trump. “If you would, at least, with your men, we could send this to our fields.”

resistance is in the White house

By Anonymus dates back to the a year ago in the “New York Times” published a contribution, the caused a big stir. Then anonymous, was still “part of the resistance in the Trump-government”. Anonymus reported that he and several other senior employees had the idea to throw in at the same time the Job. With such a mass termination of Trump employees, the Public should have been made to the grievances in the White house’s attention. Finally, you have not waived, in order to weaken the government even further. Today, he had to find that the “silent resistance in the White house” could not correct the policy of the President is decisive.

Anonymus, the expressed doubt about trump’s mental health, reported that Vice-President Mike Pence spoke in support of a premature termination of the presidency Trumps, if the majority of the Cabinet had wanted this to happen. 25. Additional articles of the US Constitution allows the President under certain conditions to sell. The Cabinet can not do this do if the President is because of his physical or mental health condition able to, the duties of his office. Vice President Pence has rejected anonymous’ statements as false.

warning: re-election Trumps

The previously known text excerpts from the anonymous book, no spectacular new insights about Trump and his presidency will deliver a total of. The hair-raising episodes, the anonymous author describes, add in an already known image that most of the media for almost three years, about Trump. This picture is confirmed also by a number of books, for example, of the “fire and rage” and “Under attack” by the US journalist Michael Wolff.

The book of anonymous is understood as a warning to the American people: no way Trump will be in the coming year, as the President re-elected.

Podcast “USA: decision-2020”

Listen to the latest episode of the podcast “decision-making in 2020” with a United States correspondent, Alan Cassidy and Philip also on Spotify, or on iTunes.

Created: 08.11.2019, 14:26 PM