Two-thirds of the employees in the public services can no longer rise up after a day of work to a movie theater or concert visit or to go Dancing – you are too tired. According to a survey by the VPOD with its members.

to blame for this state are revealed in front of all impositions beyond the respective core business, such as Online-survey “colleague, buddy, how are you?” of the Association of the staff of public services (VPOD), to the roughly one-tenth of the members has participated. The result was presented on Friday at the VPOD-Congress in St. Gallen, as a communication of the Association is apparent.

Although 68 percent of the nearly 3500 Answer are with their work situation very or rather satisfied, and 76 percent are at least moderately healthy. In the case of the work , 67 percent feel stressed. And an increase in psychological stress in the workplace in the last 4 years, 74 percent answered in the affirmative.

From the survey, it is clear that neither the employees nor the supervisor is the main reason for the misery. With colleagues, 94 percent are good; at least a decent testimony for the Boss or the boss, there are 61 percent of the respondents. You will find in the superiors with his concerns, according to the SSP / VPOD-communication.

For real work, too little time

by Contrast, 84 percent noted, therefore, that the administrative tasks have increased in the past four years. The phrase “For the actual content of my work I have achieved too little time” an approval rating of 63 percent, 60 percent complain of excessive fragmentation and dismemberment of their work.

A slim majority of 51 percent is even to can the Job not be so, “as I conceive it and as I have learned”. (nag/sda)

Created: 08.11.2019, 18:06 PM