“I like the Brian, the people I know,” says Anna-Lisa Oggenfuss. Brian is the real Name of the young man whom the Public knew as Carlos, and, according to what you knew about him, in the majority of well-detested, fed by the media, where it went only to the scandal. A Verb such as “like” surprised in this context.

it was Pronounced in the SRF”Club,” “The case of Carlos – failure in the large” of the is probably the only Person that has access to the intensive offender is found and the cycle of violence for a time had been broken. Anna-Lisa Oggenfuss, who had led the special setting in which Brian “relationships and rules, was held”. The demolition of the Settings and the re-arrest had set an escalation spiral whose end is still open: After 29 offences during detention a detention threatens to Brian now (the verdict was delivered today, Wednesday).

What is the meaning of a custody, how open they can be designed and what has changed as a result of the custody initiative, took up a lot of space in the discussion. The round was clearly trying to Information, mutual respect, Fairness. The tone was moderate, it was (excuses usually). This was also the composition: In the Studio experts and practitioners with a lot of experience, sat – from criminal justice Professor Daniel Jositsch about the forensic psychiatrist Frank Urbaniok to the former chief Prosecutor, Andreas Brunner, and penal experts Benjamin Brägger. In addition to the special education teacher Oggenfuss the journalist Brigitte Hürlimann of the “Republic”, which knows the case until all the Details and the manifold errors and omissions of the judiciary named.

differentiation in the Individual

A case in which so much went wrong, did, like, calm and objectivity well. After the classic talk-show dramaturgy counterparties were missing, although such a sharp maker from the Boulevard or one of those superiors who gave the youth a lawyer, Gürber, at the time, in the rain. Attorney Brunner: “it should never have happened.” In the interest of the thing, of a people (as such it must also be an intensive offender, and treat), and, not least, the rule of law, Switzerland is the preferred but a spectacular slugfest.

It would have been able to calm some minds, even then, if the judicial officers had immediately compared the “scandalous” cost of the special settings with those of the normal prison (not much lower), and psychiatry (significantly higher). Also a storage is ultimately more expensive than measures aimed at re-socialisation.

in this respect, the system of the shipment was correct. Thus, it was possible, the failure to list – the everything was triggering SRF-Film about the youth’s attorney Gürber, and the successful special setting of a; the bad information policy of the judiciary of a second; the termination of the special settings of any third party; finally, the Switzerland inhuman conditions of his detention (Hürlimann moved to the solitary confinement, even in the vicinity of torture) is another. Fatal the media at the time was, Urbaniok spoke of a “pogrom mood”, but never the third power in front of the fourth buckle would have been allowed to. Jositsch: “and Then a “view”-headline, decides how the prison runs.”

Unity of the Whole left differentiation in the Individual to: Because, of course, the state also has a duty of care to the prison staff. But not in the same mass compared to a Public, the spectacular hyped-up crime is treated cases, in fear and terror, even though the crime rate drops. But: “A Criminal is far better than any statistics” (Jositsch). Benjamin Brägger doubted the sense of Thai-Boxing and pointed to Norway, where the “heavy guys” are not strength training, but on a treadmill, sent.

what are we gonna do with Brian? A detention would be fatal, so the overwhelming opinion of the round. “Just let it go” is not after 14 months of Isolation, but also – “that would be asking too much” (Oggenfuss). A resozialisier the end of “measure” would be appropriate, so the state’s attorney Brunner: Mrs Oggenfuss, or any other Person. Best in a different part of the country, where nobody knows (Jositsch). But the Latter is probably wishful thinking. Also if Carlos is now called Brian.

Created: 06.11.2019, 10:46 PM