Who wants to US President, you must have the wherewithal or financial powerful donor in his back. In the run-up to the last election, Donald Trump was only for TV advertising, $ 68 million, Hillary Clinton even 237 million. Overall, all the candidate invested and female candidates together incredible 761 million for the more than 920’000 TV commercials.

exceeded these Figures in the current election campaign yet? A year before the presidential elections on may 3. November 2020 have already been double-switched so many TV Spots as of the same date four years ago. This shows an analysis of the data the specialists of the “fivethirtyeight”. From January to October were about 76’000 acquisitions in comparison to the well-32’000 in the last elections.

the relationship between the two parties has changed fundamentally. In the last election the Republicans had produced to date, almost three times as many Spots as the Democrats. Now, 96 per cent of the election ads go to the account of the Latter.

For the drastic increase in a man’s responsible: Tom Steyer. The billionaire is a long-time supporter of the Democrats, and in this pre-election (Primary) is equal to self for the party. Over 23 million dollars has been spent on Steyer for 59’000 of the Spots and 78 percent of all TV advertising is responsible. “He say his candidacy literally bought,” writes the NBC critically.

in Total, Steyer spent over 47 million for his campaign – more than all other democratic candidates. Only incumbent, Trump is almost 90 million, well ahead of Steyer.

While Bernie Sanders close behind Steyer is, the two other democratic top candidates Elizabeth Warren and, especially, Joe Biden, much less invested. Also when Collecting campaign money they hold back: All three reject donations from rich patrons, as well as companies that have to do with fossil fuels. In addition, you refuse the help of the influence of lobby groups (Political Action Committees), which usually support the candidates of the rich.

Sanders has collected, however, 74 million, Warren comes to 60 million, in the case of Biden, there are only 38 million. For comparison, Hillary Clinton had at the end of September 2015, so well a month earlier, almost 100 million for your campaign.

are considered to be favorites in the ranks of the Democrats: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren (from the left). Photo:

so Far, this tactic worked, especially in the case of Joe Biden. The former US Vice-President is currently being used on 28 percent of the votes and has the best chance to win the preselection of the Democrats. Warren with 22 percent in second place, behind Sanders follows with 16 percent.

newcomers Steyer, who has already churned so many millions of in, comes to just 1 percent of the votes, and must not make any big hopes.

in the national polls for the democratic Challenger of incumbent Trump good. According to “Real Clear Politics” Biden currently a lead of 10.2 percent to Trump. And also Sanders (+7.9 percent) and Warren (+7.3 percent) in the voters seem to be better.

However, the election four years ago, has shown that you have to look at such surveys with caution. In addition, an analysis of “the New York Times has revealed” that Trump in competitive and decisive U.S. States (Swing States) could enforce in spite of his bad poll numbers against the Challenger.

Against Biden would prevail Trump as of now, only in North Carolina. Be residue in the other Swing States of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida and Arizona, however, would be only marginal. Against Sanders, it would be in Wisconsin exciting. Four of the five other States would get but Trump.

Even more it would be in the case of Warren, which could offer Trump only in Arizona, the forehead. All the other States went to the Republicans. Political observers believe that the Democrats need to win at least three of the six Swing States, if you want to have a Chance to enter the White house.

In the twelve months up to the presidential election, a lot can happen. According to the “New York Times” are direct comparisons of candidates a year before the election, but often very close to the final results. By the end of April 2020, the Democrats need to know whom to send against Trump into the race.

billionaire Tom Steyer, it will be hardly – in spite of its financial capabilities. The former Fund Manager and current philanthropist and environmentalist noticed so far, especially with his movement “Need to Impeach”, which seeks to impeachment proceedings against the U.S. President. As serious Challenger of Trump see him the least.

Created: 05.11.2019, 19:38 PM