“Third time is the charm,” says an English proverb – “all good things are three” in German. After 2008 tried to Hillary Clinton 2016 new, in the White house. On the second attempt, she won almost three million more votes than Donald Trump , failed, however, to the electoral College. And now it is speculated that former Senator and Minister of foreign Affairs of wool to compete in 2020, new as a democratic candidate. The whispers is fueled primarily by Republicans. For the request, defendant Clinton par excellence, a proven enemy image can be projected onto the hand of Evil. “Lock them up!”, sound still chanting, in the case of Donald trump rallies. “You again!”, trump’s former strategist Steve Bannon says about Hillary, meanwhile, the President incites his opponent by 2016, however, please to do so.”Try again!”, he tweeted, to which Clinton replied: “do not Lead me into temptation!”.

New start

food excluded get the speculation by the growing discomfort of the democratic Establishment on the own field of Candidates. Joe Biden? Too old! Elizabeth Warren? To the left! And Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat. Theoretically, Hillary could easily get into the race for the democratic candidacy, the mere idea but a lot of Democrats shiver.

He let you, Yes, extremely, “but I think it’s time for a new candidate,” said the other day Senator Dick Durbin (Illinois) on behalf of his democratic colleagues. However, Philippe Reines, a close Confidant of Clinton’s didn’t want to shoot, a new start-up exclusive.

all the people on Fox News, Pure the end of October, said that Clinton had made a bid in 2016 for the American presidency, “because she was convinced to be the best President”. And if you think this is still and in addition believe you to be suitable for “most likely to beat Trump, then you should seriously think about it”.

Although Virgin admitted that it was a rather unlikely scenario, in an Interview with the TV channel PBS after the fact, but Hillary so, when you really think about it. “Maybe there should be another Match, I’m convinced I can win against him,” was a second attempt against Trump. Later, she weakened, however, It was not really serious.

Fox poll sees Clinton on the front

Perhaps it is considering Clinton is different, after a fire indicating new poll from Fox News that you would defeat Donald Trump is currently in short supply. But since the electoral College is, maybe you have to accept there 2020 a new one. That Trump sees it as a request, opponent, incidentally, is not surprising: In the same poll, he lost to Hillary with two percentage points, against Joe Biden, but with twelve, and against Elizabeth Warren with a five.

Created: 05.11.2019, 19:44 PM