the capital of India was taken with the worsening pollution in Monday due to the use of the private car restrictions (you move to another service).

If the car is odd with the ending of the license plate, it can run a couple of free days, a period ending a couple of days.

– Very uncomfortable. Now I don’t have time to time meetings, lamented the Sagar Bajaj Reuters while trying to find a taxi for the Delhi center.

of November to the fifteenth day of sustainable limits by trying to reduce the visibility of the covering smog, which is why it has been necessary, inter alia, to cancel dozens of flights.

the School has until Tuesday closed and health authorities recommend that an outdoor enthusiast would exercise in the mornings and evenings. Delhi’s air is too dangerous to breathe.

– Jogging usually every day, but the past week it’s changed difficult. Eyes, nose, and throat to burn, that side hurts, told reporters in delhi, Rajaram in an interview with Reuters.

delhi, the prime minister of Arvind Kejriwal described Sunday as a pollution amount to “intolerable” (switch to another service). According to him, the authorities share their school-age protection masks.

the world’s most polluted city

Health hazardous fine particulate matter amount is in Delhi for seven times at a higher level than for example in Beijing.

as an Independent, held air pollution site AirVisualin (you move to another service) according to Delhi was on Monday the world’s most polluted city.

india’s health ministry says pollution levels are rising so high that they are measured on the hardware ran out of numbers in the middle.

the World health organization, WHO according to delhi’s air is as toxic as smoking. According to the organization, one-third of heart attacks, lung cancers and heart diseases due to the polluted air.

fields of kulottaminen had too much

delhi’s air pollution in half caused by traffic and industrial emissions.

the Situation worsened significantly last week when the farmers kulottivat their fields.

the politicians have been required to address kulottamiseen, but these do not want to lose farmers ‘ votes.

the private car restriction is even more criticized. Some feel that the ban includes too many exceptions. For example, alone women may continue motoring license plate the last digits of the regardless.

Also mm. physical disabilities, police, ambulances, fire engines and some of the military equipment may continue to be operated. Likewise, the two-wheel can be run.

see also

yle of the Asia-correspondent of the Jenny Matikainen article of the Indian urban air pollution in Calcutta last spring: The black lungs of the earth

Delhi gasping for air toxic smoke in the fog – the Finnish embassy charge d’affaires: Without the dirtiness can even taste (you move to another service)

Sources: BBC, Reuters, AFP, India Times

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