On the 30. October 2019, would have had to appear Valérie C. in front of the Federal court in Bellinzona met. The office of the attorney General (BA) accuses the former Top cadres of women in the Federal administration, fraud and forgery. However, the process did not take place. Once more. It is the fourth cancellation in this criminal case in the last around one and a half years.

a hearing has to be cancelled, is absolutely extraordinary. The court set a new one immediately, the fifth trial date. Valerie C. on 19. December appear in Bellinzona. However, it is unclear whether they can meet the deadline. The Accused was not able to participate due to health reasons at the hearing, the court on request. “I confirm that my client is sick,” said her defender, the Zurich lawyer Andreas Meili,.

The BA accuses Valerie C. in its function as Director of the Central compensation office (CCO) unlawful fees charged. The ZAS is the most important AHV-Fund of Switzerland with headquarters in Geneva. Valérie C. was until 2013 the Director. At the ZAS something was Amiss. Expensive IT projects, were discontinued. ZAS is committed to a variety of external consultants, which resulted in hardly anything. The IT chief and the chief of the internal verifier had to leave the ZAS, in addition to other.

probation and buses

Against the Director Valérie C. the BA opened a criminal case. According to the allegations, the Director of the expense Fund took multiple large sums of cash, 25’000 Swiss francs in total. On the receipt slip, you listed on each date, and reasons such as “fees early withdrawal for miscellaneous” or “expense advance for training.” The BA assumes that Valérie C. made false statements and “referred to motives not of the reality represented”. The amounts are passed in accordance with the BA as financial contributions to third persons. Valérie C. has paid the amounts back later. “The ZAS was a temporary damage”, the BA yet.

The BA voice against the Ex-ZAS-Director in a penalty order from the 24. January 2018, a fine of 26 000 Swiss francs on probation from. A fine in the amount of 5200 francs and 5000 francs for the investigation costs.

lawyer Andreas Meili raised on 5. February 2018 in the case of the BA appeal against the penalty order. With the opposition Meili made in the name of his client, not the BA, but the Federal criminal court on the matter, a decision. On 4. June 2018 would have had to occur Valérie C. for the first Time before the court. This appointment was canceled, and then four more. For 54-Year-old, the hearing is currently presumed incompetent, the presumption of innocence. In the spring of 2018, Valérie C. worked as a Deputy Secretary General in the Department of Finance of the Canton of Geneva.

the “Unacceptable actions”

The court has given the fives Reconvene, the question whether a judgment in absentia. This is legally tricky. A judgment should not be done without survey. The question of whether the court had to examine the former cadres woman of the Confederation and of the Canton of Geneva, by a public health officer, remained unanswered.

That in the case of their expenses, remuneration may be something wrong, fell to the Swiss Federal audit office (sfao) as early as 2013 in a Review. Then EFK-Director Michel Huissoud chose to Serge Gaillard, Director of the Federal Finance administration and supervisor of Valérie C., haunting words. Huissoud wrote to Gaillard, C. s “actions are unacceptable. The fact that these were committed by a Person who has very extensive powers, would have to bring their hierarchical superiors, and to analyze the consequences of serious risks for the Federal government.”

In the Geneva Department of Finance was amazed at the work of testimony, the Gaillard, his former Director had issued by the end of 2014. The application document submitted has been “very positive, Yes, excellent,” said Department Secretary Roland Godel.

Created: 01.11.2019, 14:51 PM