“It could be festive, fancy,” says Adrian, a singer and guitarist in the case of Baba Shrimps, submitted to the Outfit suggestions, the Sara, Yannik and Jelena of the Pigna have. “Festive Rock Style!”, call Sara. “With Glitter! Glitter Is?” “Yeah, sure,” replied Adrian. “Like in a magic show, Yes, magic!”

In a few weeks, Sara and her colleagues from the Pigna, with the Swiss Band Baba Shrimps occur. The Pigna is a Foundation for people with disabilities. “Same as you?” is the name of the music project, Baba Shrimps.

it has inspired an appearance at A summer party in the Foundation of the Band. As if they have spontaneously sung a song together with the audience, haven’t they make the mood so enthusiastic, that they thought: Why the common energy?

Experimental music

this afternoon, the third Block of the project with the rehearsals for the stage show already. In the months before, the colorful troupe has written a own song, “zero”, as Moritz, a drummer with Baba Shrimps, emphasized. After that, we went into the recording Studio. The Song is in the box. Filed is on the live version of the song, other songs, at the end, the Outfit.

The group is divided into three Workshops. Baba Shrimps-singer Adrian exercises with Jelena in a room in the upper floor. An old Song of the Band, re-interpreted, in a Duo. Only vocals and guitar. “How have we started again?” Jelena doesn’t speak much, but is Adrian, the necessary information, also for the Transitions and repetitions. “I sing, since I’m small, very happy,” she says, a lot in Spanish, English but also. So, the two begin their ballad, weighs Jelena to the beat of the music . Her voice, when she speaks, low, now sounds bright and clear as glass.

in the middle of November you will publish the song that you have in the recording Studio vocals: Baba Shrimps, and the residents of the Pigna Foundation. Photo: PD

in another room, a keyboardist Luca, Patrick, and Sophia working on a sound collage. Patrick turns on the Synthesizer with a Slider to the other. Sophias sound of the trumpet echoing in the sound mixture. This is the Intro to a show block.

In the basement rehearsing drummer Moritz and his group in the stairwell leading to the stage. Hard Work. All a percussion instrument – large, bulbous drums wear, a clamp ring, a flat hand drum. The common clock is not sitting quite the distance from the door to the improvised stage is different, as you will be in the anvil ramp, in between cables and microphones. Moritz is not on there that drives the group, “come on, once again, in order to strengthen the Whole”.

“I have trouble with memory”

Here it becomes clear how difficult it is for some of the participants is. It is also in your song. “We sing about what makes us pleasure, and where we realize our Handicap,” says Yannik. He had trouble with the memory. He tells the story of his accident and that he was then in a coma. His mother gave him at the time, classical music to Listen to. The have helped him. “So far, I have only in the shower singing” there is no comparison to the Workshops with Baba Shrimps. His sense of rhythm was better. His father wondered also, recently, that he could memorize so much Text.

it Makes Yannik nervous to stand in front of many people on a big stage? “Stage fright is an issue.” But that’ll be good. He laughs again. “Inhale deeply, exhale deeply.”

Sara has written for the song with a Rap part. With Adrian from Baba Shrimps you exercises. Photo: PD

“it’s a Pity that not more Bands to work with people with disabilities. We have each other, learned from each other,” says Sara. You will be responsible for Rap and entertainment. In Switzerland, there is a wall between people with and without disabilities. “I hope that there will soon be no more.” It calls for mutual respect. Yannik agrees with her. “No one is perfect. But no matter how we are, what we have for hair, whether we wear glasses or not, we are all the same.”

a Short time later, the room roars in the basement, where all together again for coming. The group plays the self-written song in the concert version. “Same as you” mean it. Each and every one has his Part of the drum, the trumpet, on the microphone, Solo or in a choir. “If you’d see the world through my eyes …” sings participant Nico with an incredible vibrato voice in the chorus. Sara raps in between on Spanish self-written lines “about disability and about how I see the world”. “No mires a los apariencias”, “don’t Look on the Outside,” sounds a voice from the speakers. After two and a half hours of samples, the fatigue seems to be blown away on the improvised stage. That must have been the energy that has taken hold of Baba Shrimps that summer festival.

Exhausting to refreshing

the Band Knew at the time what it was for? The initial excitement was gone, now everything is much more natural and relaxed, says Adrian. “Clearly there is something else to third-party or write with about ten people on a Song,” said Moritz. It takes a lot longer, at the same time, however, is more possible than if you only play to third. Almost too many ideas to process, it is given. “New ideas are great,” says Luca, “but to always want something New installed, before something else is completed, it can be exhausting.” But it is also refreshing. The access of Pigna group to the music is intuitive, maybe a little chaotic, but freer.

singer Adrian tells of his experiences of the last few weeks. Video: Anthony Ackermann (Tamedia)

But the Band takes more than just new additions to the music. “I learned for the first Time, people with a disability are more familiar with,” says Adrian. They had seen how their daily life looks like, as you go through life, what do you do in your leisure time, what they feel and want – people rather than the institutions.

you Could accuse the Band behind the project is the improvement of your own Images to put? “Of course we want to do a project with a send effect,” said Moritz, but one that people reach, which otherwise has no points of contact, with people like Patrick, Sophia, Yannick, or Sara. The tape should not stand in the foreground, it was more of a catalyst, in order to spread the Song and the message of as wide as possible. Also artists should show more courage and curiosity, the Band. “What happens when people from different areas involved in a project?”

The Single “Same as you” appears on the 15. November, at 20. December Baba Shrimps and the Pigna occur in the group in the anvil ramp in Zurich.

Created: 01.11.2019, 14:11 PM