woman Priemer, they are just the currently most controversial event in Germany, at the International automobile exhibition (IAA) in Frankfurt. How is the mood on the ground?
It is quiet. The Show is well attended. No Interference from the outside. No Demos. The are all the rage for the weekend.

An Alliance called “Sand in the gearbox” threatens to block the Events: “We will block with our bodies the additions.” The “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” writes of the “new hate on the car”.
Unfortunately, you must say: For a certain group, the observation of the FAZ is certainly true.

More: In the last few weeks, environmental activists, dozens of luxury cars burned in Germany presumably. What is it in the Autoland Germany?
the majority of The people is fully aware that our car will have to orientate the mobile industry quickly. And this Transformation is not just a matter for the industry, but it also needs the policy, other mobility service providers, and the population. In order to meet this challenge together, for ideology, or even hate, however, are in poor conditions.

signs of the end of the fetish car? Gains drove the company’s control over the Mobility?
in fact, there is in many people a strong desire for individual mobility. And the people do not want to necessarily dictate whether you should this live on the E-Scooter or motorbike. But now, as I have, with a view to the weekend, the feeling, go to groups on the road that want us to take away this freedom. The role of cars is changing, however, undoubtedly through the development of new drive concepts, through the above-mentioned Sharing models, but also thanks to technologies like self-driving vehicles. Therefore, I believe that our relationship with the car is rational.

In July were lit in Berlin on a weekend, at least 11 vehicles. Image: imago/Christian Mang

It means that the Generation of the Millennials, the boomers of the early 1980s to the late 1990s, no longer wants to own cars, but share. Really?
Yes, the change is undeniable. The mentioned Generation benefits from a much larger Mobility than the former, it makes a new relationship to the car at all possible. Not only in the cities, on the country the offer of public transport is infinitely better than even 20 years ago. Add to that new digital technologies to organize Sharing-mobility comfortable. What I want to say: in the past there were few Alternatives to the private car. At the time of the purchase of a car was, in fact, often the only possibility of mobility to participate. Break out to conquer the world.

Latest Figures but little hope of rapid change. The “Handelsblatt” was the headline this week: “The madness of the SUV – high profits, devastating Eco-balance”. With a 22 percent share of the market, the all-terrain is the best-selling vehicle category sedans in Germany. Madness, isn’t it?
It’s hard for me to explain the phenomenon of the SUV intended to be exhaustive. Yes, the sales have not increased in the last few years. Not only in Germany, but also in markets such as China. And, of course, it appears to be a vehicle concept from the past: no one travels more with these all-terrain vehicles really off road. Traffic psychologists explain the appeal of this vehicle class that the driver can feel shielded and the Rest of the traffic, literally, rise. Now we need to bring the fuel consumption of these cars even further down.

“climate killer”: Greenpeace Demonstration in front of the entrance of the International automobile exhibition in Frankfurt. Image:

Other people have other proposals on the table. After the terrible accident in Berlin a week ago – a Porsche SUV sped onto a sidewalk and killed four people, including a child, politicians are calling for a ban on these “climate killers” in the cities.
This accident is terrible, very terrible. And he is a big theme here at the IAA. We don’t know yet what is the reason for this tragedy, and we must not relativize the deaths of these people. But there’s also been hit by trains or coach accidents with many Victims, without such emotional debates trigger. This is undoubtedly evidence of how the topic of SUV heated is. The accident would have happened with a VW Golf, no one would call for a ban of compact cars.

Strange is that new cars are celebrated at the IAA currently and admired. Example: The first electrified Porsche, the Taycan, 720 HP, a 240’000 Swiss francs. An Electric Tank. It can’t be?
in Principle, it is positive, when E-mobility reaches in all segments, even in the case of the sports car. Because we need a broad offer, and there are a number of ways: for VW on the IAA his new electric middle-class vehicle. He rolls in the summer of 2020 on the road and costs less than 30’000 Swiss francs, so about as much as a VW Golf. Similar models from Honda, Hyundai and Mercedes are pushing powerful in the market. This is a turning point.

Angela Merkel tests at the IAA, the new Porsche Taycan. Image: Keystone/SDA

Really? The “world”-editor-in-chief and Ex-auto tester Ulf Poschardt, and pushed recently, the debate on whether eco-friendly E-cars have a soul. This is, however, forms quite a peculiar access to new Mobility.
Have Cars have a soul? I don’t want to go to the Philosophical slipping, but I, too, editor-in-Chief of a car magazine, have my doubts. Sure is: It is lots of Fun to drive an electric car. The only Problem is: most people have never driven an electric car.

Why is not it actually the automotive press, which has revealed the Diesel scandal? Why not the specialists in their magazine “Auto Motor und Sport”?
I can only speak for us. With us experts, of course, we measure in the car tests, a lot of values. But the fraud in the Diesel scandal happened in the first place via Software Tricks, and such manipulations, we can not determine. We wish we would have discovered this fraud. But technology and Know-how, we lack finishing.


How SUVs method?

ban From inner cities
banish With a City-toll documents
With tax on the purchase of documents
SUVs are not a problem: nothing company


prohibit 30.9%

From the inner cities banish


With a City-toll documents


With tax on the purchase of documents


SUVs are not a problem: nothing company


4107 votes



From the cities


With a City-toll documents


With tax on the purchase of documents


SUVs are not a problem: Nothing company


4107 votes

What role do women play in the car industry ? Work with women in the realignment of the industry?
There are women in key positions: Britta Seeger as a member of the Board, sales of Mercedes-Benz Cars, for example, already the second woman in the Board of management of Daimler AG, or Hildegard Wortmann, who has just started as a Board member for sales and Marketing at Audi. But there’s a lot of air is still to the top.

Extraordinary is a woman as editor-in-Chief of the most important German-language automotive magazine. How do you do it?
how unusual this is. Also in the Austrian “auto Revue”, for example, a woman is sitting on the Executive chair. And I, myself, am since around 30 years in the industry. I must disappoint you: I don’t think about it every day, as it is for me as a woman.

last gender question: Would a female-friendly auto industry, a more sensible? One that is not a PS-Monster more from the Band?
This is pure speculation. What we know from our own market research: When women earn well, and in higher positions, then you start the rule to also be of interest for high-performance models.

What kind of car you drive in private?
I drive the car different service. And a private family car.

Which model? This is of interest to us. An electric vehicle is about?
This is a question I don’t answer in Interviews, basically.

Created: 12.09.2019, 21:29 PM