One of the favourite formulations of British politicians is: “Let me be absolutely clear.” But a few days after the agreement on a Brexit Treaty in Brussels, nothing is absolutely clear.

Although the EU-27 after some Back and Forth, ultimately, an extension of the exit procedure until the 31. January some, after on Tuesday night, the schedule of the government from the lower house overturned had been. But how to do it in London, which is not so opaque as the legendary wet autumn mist on the Thames.

Expensive promise against omissions and lies

A Meeting between the Tory Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition, on Wednesday morning brought no rapprochement in the battle over whether the ratification process in the house of Commons is to be continued. The question hour, the Prime Minister at the lunch were, however, a note. She was a slugfest, as it takes place otherwise, particularly in times of election campaigns: Johnson was one expensive promise for the future, Jeremy Corbyn said omissions and lies in the past.

The Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon and her colleague from Wales, Mark Drakeford, railed at the same time, a few Hundred meters away at a press conference against the Deal and demanded new elections. Johnson had demanded again and again from Labour but from a tactical reasons, do not consent get. This is likely to change in the near future.

Still, the government plays Black Peter. You will not allow detailed treatment of the withdrawal Treaty in the lower house. Instead, Johnson claims, he was waiting for a response from Brussels, the European Union and probed meanwhile, the mood in the country and in his party. The choice of fight-filled caskets, as you can hear, well; Brexit-friendly entrepreneurs from home and abroad, just waiting – so is told in Downing Street, to invest their nice money in a conservative election victory and then in a free-trade Kingdom.

“Let’s get Brexit done”

The Tories are counting on, therefore, the best opportunities, if you start with the following message: We had a Deal, we can deliver him still, the Brexit opponents have prevented it. Now we need a nice majority, and then finally other issues.

This is a tangible strategy, easy to see through, but Labour has to oppose under his clumsy and unfortunate, the Chairman, Jeremy Corbyn, for now, the little.

The Brexit-party of Nigel Farage is likely to pull in the next election with the allegation that Johnson had promised much, but ultimately not delivered. But the Spin from Downing Street is caught in most of the media, and transport it into the country.

The Brexit poisoned the Land

The Remainer of the Parliament in Westminster is to blame, it is said, Ex – Tories have thwarted the Brexit “”, the house of Commons had perpetrated a “new attack” on the freedom, the immigration policy of Labour have laid the seeds for the Brexit-longing. Boris Johnson, the Embassy, has tried everything. Now he needs more Power, and finally a Pro-Brexit-majority in the Parliament.

The coming weeks are likely to be more heavy-handed Slogans such as “Let’s Brexit done” and hardly substantive debates get bring. This is in the pre-election campaign and election times. But that was already in the past few months, which have resulted due to the fragile structure of Power in the house of Commons, and a government without a clear majority in a sort of permanent election campaign.

The Brexit poisoned the country for more than three years. The quarrel has no end. It will be even worse.

Created: 24.10.2019, 09:41 PM