In the municipality of Wasserauen in the Canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden is killed in an accident on Saturday afternoon, a 65-year-old hiker fatal. He fell over a nearly 50-Meter-high rock wall in the depth.

The man from Germany was part of a four-member group, which was from the Aescher on the descent in the direction of Chobel, as the inhabitants of Innerrhoden cantonal police announced on Sunday.

this way, the 65 was a-Year-old first down a steep slope, and then the approximately 50-Meter-high cliff fall into the depth. Immediately the air-rescue (Rega) and the mountain rescue team had been alerted. Unfortunately, the rescuers would have been able to find only the death of the experienced mountain commuter.


Created: 27.10.2019, 11:05 PM