What has brought the German foreign policy this week about, was most reliably reflected in the facial expression of the Turkish foreign Minister, Mevlüt Çavusoglu during the press conference with the German foreign Minister, Heiko Maas (SPD). When it came to the proposal of defense Minister Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer (CDU), in the North-East of Syria, a UN protection zone set up, moved, there is joy. The German side had to be sorted only once, was amused Çavusoglu. But as the world is, in a democracy, and in a coalition government. Since there is different opinions.

Kramp-Karrenbauer and the Meuse the German foreign policy community to the laughing stock. The defence Minister and CDU leader by is haphazard forged ahead with an Initiative that was voted on in the Federal government and for which it receives not even a reliable support in his own party. The Minister of foreign Affairs, he has been injured in Ankara, a simple foreign policy the basic rule – let those inner political strife at home.

No normal circumstances

Two, it should be clear what you have done. Kramp-Karrenbauer is still not a long time defence Minister, but she knew, of course, that you push beyond what your protection zones-your portfolio of skills. Foreign policy initiatives are, as the Name suggests, is a matter for the Minister for foreign Affairs.

Maas is also long enough for the foreign Minister to know that he should have let his Anger over the inroads that the Minister of defence in Berlin. He has dismissed the Initiative of the Minister of defence on the world stage to the public as irrelevant and as a waste of time, he has not strengthened his own Position, that of the German foreign policy, but weakened. This is all the more surprising to hear as it is usually the lightest Exercises of the SPD politician to rein in his temper.

usually Stays quiet: Heiko Maas at the Cabinet meeting on 23. October in Berlin. Photo: Keystone/Michael son

The world public celebrated dispute over the protection zone says something about the conditions in the German government. Under normal circumstances, Kramp-karrenbauer would not have gone probably as far as to snub your country man Maas. Under normal circumstances, you would have made an attempt to get first, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and then Maas into the boat. Under normal circumstances, it would have been in the Federal government maybe even design Considerations for a real diplomatic Initiative. It would have been perhaps a little bit of hope for the beleaguered Kurds.

In a thing, the Turkish foreign Minister is right

Obviously, it was the CDU leader, but not the defensive struggle of the Kurds, but the custom – in the struggle for the Chancellor candidacy. Under normal circumstances, but Heiko Maas has been shown in Ankara and also no nerves, and from the situation, with phrases out of the wound. The foreign Minister has given a nakedness there, of all places, where any weakness will be forgiven – in the realm of the force of Meier’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Maas known to be due to the part of the German arms embargo previously as a “dilettante” had ridiculed.

At the end of all this may prove to be a Episode out. But what remains, is the deeper Problem of German foreign policy. Because the Turkish foreign Minister is right: The Initiative Kramp cart Builder is unrealistic, because it comes much too late.

The gap, which left the United States only since the Trump ordered to retreat, is already filled by Russians, Turks and Iranians. At no time, the Europeans played a significant role. Who, if not the largest EU country, Germany, should bear a proper share of the responsibility? The protection zones Posse does not excuse it. It only makes it worse.

Created: 27.10.2019, 15:54 PM