Switzerland has a green elected, to mobilize the concern of climate change was able. This is due not least to the fact that the sound has tightened up: It’s not just an island Paradise, the sink, to the glaciers that melt, species that die – rather, it is a matter of Survival. “To be or not to be” is apparently the question. It is not us but, as in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” as an Individual, but us as a humanity: “Survival or extinction?” The apocalyptic rhetoric, although there were already earlier, for instance, given the fear of a nuclear catastrophe. New, however, is that they use different bearings for their Agenda.

As the politically motivated Horsemen are, firstly, For the fast-growing movement of “the Extinction of Rebellion” is the extinction of Homo sapiens in the first place is the horror scenario, with the blows to the resistance: we are not a sensible climate policy, it is for all of us to the collar. The movement rebelled against the extinction of mankind for the sake of human and wants to keep the human being in front of the not be.

climate activists occupied the London city centre (18. October 2019). Video: Guardian

conversely, a second movement called the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. She is thrilled, as regards the people, almost time of the end: For the Blue planet with its animals, plants, and Ecosystems of the man to be a plague, and therefore, it is the better, the faster he will go. Although we don’t have to carry us into the Afterlife. With human reproduction, however, will be final. The be is for this flow to the destination. The Natura-lists under the end-time preachers to decorating your Talk about extinction with geological Knowledge: There have been five mass extinctions; the sixth follows. Even the giant dinosaurs had to believe in it. Why should it go to the Homo sapiens better?

In the eternal universe is humanity one moment and almost over. The end of the dinosaurs, has been initiated by the impact of a meteorite the Size of Mount Everest, while for the climate change we humans are responsible, it is of interest to the naturalist of little. Coal combustion, aircraft, beef and plant – breeding people, but precisely because of that nature. Because, creativity, and Discovery are part of his essence. “To be or not to be” is therefore the wrong question: As a natural being, man is going to go eventually anyway, and be no more.

The escalation is especially inaccurate

In the Wake of the Natura lists the nihilistic Horsemen, which also could be called as the “After-me-the-deluge-the cynics” collect: The world is going to end anyway – so why the panic? “Carpe diem”, “Enjoy the day” was the slogan in the Baroque, as in the face of devastating wars, the feeling of the transience of oppressed people. Maybe a little bit of, and enjoy, as the upcoming weep not. At least here, the world are prophets of doom in the hair. Because the a strive the apocalyptic rhetoric, to animate the people to Action, it serves the other as a justification for their inaction.

the escalation is on the Apocalypse is above all: namely, inaccurate. Because the end time will not come today or tomorrow, but in Installments: with a lack of water, fires, Storms; crop failures, Migration, civil wars. Who reduced the question to “Survival or extinction”, on “to Be or not to be” will don’t do her justice. The question is rather: “How to be” in view of the fact that our life contexts are vastly change?

doom and gloom scenarios, people may mobilize; a policy they are not. How we respond as a people want to depressed at the impending consequences of climate change –rebellious, naturalistic, cynical, that is the question that faces us now.

Created: 21.10.2019, 20:14 PM