the Estonian ministry of education prepares early education new curriculum, where the family of multilingualism is seen as a problem of children’s language development. The plan is scandalous by the education professionals in Estonia.

the Curriculum työversio highlight of the Estonian language and Estonian identity the importance of kindergartens. Children should the curriculum include well-groomed Estonian language, even in their free time. The plan stresses between boys and girls differences and teachers ‘ guide by games.

in Finland, multilingualism and different cultures is treated differently. The board of education prepared by the early childhood education plans, according to the criteria children ranging from language and cultural backgrounds will enrich the community. (you move to another service)

from Many languages is a benefit

many in Helsinki kindergartens multilingualism is a daily life. For example, she likes the fiddler and the meri-Rastila in kindergartens for about 60% of the children’s different language and cultural background.

the fiddler of the day care director Soile Oleanderin according to the multicultural environment is a benefit for a child, because the world is becoming increasingly diversified.

– it Is good to learn to live in a multilingual environment already little. It is a privilege, Oleander said.

in multicultural kindergartens, children explore each other’s home backgrounds. For example, the meri-Rastila in kindergarten, all children spend independence day, christmas and easter, but also other cultures celebrate.

the native language and English are not incompatible with

some of the children talking about the day when he came home, very Finnish or other domestic languages, some not much at all. The Finnish language is taught fiddlers, and the meri-Rastila in kindergarten picture cards, songs and stories.

– Contribution to the Finnish language is really important, so that children are doing in school, said early childhood education teacher Sari Ertama the meri-Rastila from kindergarten.

Finland not think that your mother tongue speaking and the Finnish learning would be in conflict with each other. For example, the meri-Rastila in the kindergarten children can speak their own language in a free play, and they are taught, for example, greetings in each other’s language.

– education groups are divided so that the same languages are in different groups, early childhood education Ertama said.

the fiddler of the kindergarten Oleanderin according to the part of the foreign language of the parents think that children should talk about also the home of finland, although the language skills were weak. However, they are encouraged to use their native language at home. The mother tongue secures connectivity to your own culture and fellow.

– language is everything. Must be one of strong language, which other language learning base, Oleander said.

see also:

the Girls and boys have different brain and role-play are dangerous – the Presentation of the new curriculum angered education professionals in Estonia

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