the Otaniemi campus in the armpit is site, which aim at low emission of heat through its famous grey stone. It hasn’t been easy: the schedule is many times, the budget swelled and the earth shook over Western Helsinki to the brim.

Almost five years ago St1 and Fortum estimate that the people of home, and shower water is heated by the depths of the earth by the pumped heat in 2016.

Now the estimate is that one in the energy sector the most interesting pilot installations is in use at the end of summer 2020. And this time estimate should, believes ST1 Deep heat to the production manager, Tero Saarno.

Well yes it is now that much practiced and knows what to do, that yes, this second hole will go easier.

in the depths is brought to a boil 100 liters of water per second

the Actual institution, the most difficult stage was the hole of drilling at 6.4 km depth. Originally, the intention was to go even deeper.

the Summer of 2018 in the hole, water was pumped to see what direction it goes rock cracks in progress. This step also caused small earthquakes.

Now all that is left of the second, already halfway drilled hole export, where the water has its way cleared.

When the whole thing is ready, the first hole pumped water, which becomes hot up from the second. Water flows every second, one hundred liters, i.e., ten buckets.

the Picture depicts a geothermal power plant function principle. Another wells take water six miles deep, which then pass into the hot rock through a layer of the pit, which brings the water up.St1 Deep Heat OyPoraamisen difficulty was “some sort of surprise”

Even if it is the finns would say unprecedented energy technology, the problem is drilling. Similar plants are in use around the world, but nowhere else is not needed to drill as deep.

we were prepared for the fact that we have to come up with new stuff. But surely it was some sort of surprise that how long it took time. This is a typical engineering: engineer yes will solve problems, it just takes time, said production director Saarno.

the Hole at the bottom expect the affordable heat

Syvyyksin must be drilled, in order to achieve the 120-degree temperature. The heat allows the plant to produce hot water, that it’s good enough for the district heating network without expensive and electricity-eating heat pumps.

for Comparison: conventional geothermal heat pumps tend to produce triple the amount of heat consumed its electricity, compared to. In otaniemi, the heat generated nine times the amount of electricity consumption compared to.

Therefore, St1 will take the process to the end, even if the budget is multiplied only by the fact that it has been exceeded.

the pilot project is in the nature of it, that time passes more, head scratch, more and money spent more. To learn money you have to pay, say Saarno.

“Two years is a pretty realistic”

Especially in the helsinki metropolitan area is now looking for fierce new ways to generate heat because the use of coal has been decided to ban in ten years. If not better figure, the coal left by the gap is filled to a large extent of wood burning.

St1 believes that geothermal heat could still global warming in that, despite the difficulties. When the technology is mature, processes can do multiple at the same time and drill the opening should consume only two-year institution graduation.

These learn after the schedule contained considerably fewer uncertainties than in the past. I believe that two years is quite realistic, while still a little time practicing every case, to convince Saarno.

the Aim of defeating hakekattilat

drill too time is money: the faster the drill goes, the cheaper the plant was completed. The two-year time objective means the euros that the institution will pay million for each mega-watt per. In otaniemi, the construction of the 40 mega-watt sized plant would cost 40 million euros. The department will cover one-tenth of Espoo the annual district heating needs.

for Comparison: Helen is planning to Vuosaari as plants, which burn mainly wood chips. 250 mega watt power plant construction costs the company estimates that 250 million euros.

– This will be able to compete this information in the light of the best bioenergy institutions, said Matti Pentti, which leads to a St1:no Country in the heat business unit.

St1 still needs experimental partners and more to learn money

But how far away from the St1 is its goal?

– The data on the basis of what we have already so far, we can significantly reduce the total investment. But, of course, the following institutions will bring more learning and understanding, that a few of the plant from eventually reaching it about a million per mega watt cost category, says Pentti.

the Company has letters of intent department of Turku and Sweden Malmöseen, where the partner is the international company E. on. New partners need to be try to in addition to money.

–This Otaniemi plant investment has been our responsibility and the product development project successful, when the list of all you learn. The following institutions remains to be seen how the cost of shared partners, says Pentti.

Read more:

the Finnish deep hole, leaning – Bump on renewable energy had left project

a Huge project in Espoo: The Finnish deep hole and bedrock of the district heating power plant

Otaniemi hole can in theory cause even more earthquakes – in Switzerland, similar to the construction of the plant was suspended

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