The necessary support of the two initiatives against the Geneva FDP-Council of state Pierre Maudet has not occurred. Roger Deneyş, a former SP of the Parliament and President of the initiative Committee, was on Thursday disappointed with the “unambiguous” Failure of the Anti-Maudet initiatives.

Although both the SP and the Greens, the SVP and the right-wing populist MCG had pledged its support, was missing, according to Deneyş at the end of the necessary energy and financial resources for the collection of signatures on the street.

So a quarter of the necessary came together to the expiry of the collection deadline on Thursday, not even signatures. For the Initiative “The people’s advocate-General” were 5294 signatures have been necessary, demanding the resignation of Pierre. Has been signed by the cantonal request for a referendum only of 1200 Voters.

For the other Initiative entitled “no to corruption and lies, Yes, to model political and judicial Power” came together only 1100, instead of the necessary 7941 signatures. This request had requested the inclusion of a new article in the Geneva Constitution, which would have made the dismissal of members of the state Council and the judicial authorities is possible.

The Canton of Geneva has, in contrast to the Federal government, the legislative initiative. For these type of people desire, it needs less signatures for an Initiative on a constitutional level. The required signature numbers are calculated figures as a percentage of the population.

In the case of both initiatives was provided that the deposition of any claim to compensation or a pension would not apply. Against FDP cantonal councillor Maudet a criminal case on suspicion of advantage in connection with a luxury trip to Abu Dhabi in the year 2015. In the Wake of the liberal-minded had to give up both the entire security policy, as well as the government Bureau.

Nevertheless, Maudet can be due to the applicable cantonal Constitution is not forced to resign. In addition, he has since this summer, entitled to a life annuity in the amount of almost 90’000 Swiss francs in the year. Maudet insists on the principle of the presumption of innocence, and rejects a resignation, as long as he is not convicted. (sda)

Created: 29.08.2019, 21:55 PM