Netflix is booming. Almost 152 million subscribers, the streaming service is now one of the world. But how many are there in Switzerland? This is difficult to say. Because, like many other American companies, Netflix does not publish such Figures. If such be called, are always projections or estimates.

The more exciting the findings of the “IGEM-digiMonitor 2019 are”. For the annual study in Switzerland will be asked for your TV and video use. You can now select from numerous Offers and are increasingly opting for Netflix.

one in Ten uses the streaming service every day, a further 14 per cent at least weekly, and 4 percent occasionally. So Netflix has overtaken Zattoo, Swisscom Air TV, and many other digital offerings, and the left left.

Only the classic television, and Youtube are more popular than Netflix. The cinema comes to 53 percent. This information relates only to the proportion of Swiss nationals who visit from time to time, respectively, at least once a month in a cinema room. The is no real competition.

to fight During cinemas with declining interest, and has Netflix also in Germany, a steep climb down. 2014 the streaming provider in Switzerland, started a year later, the “IGEM-digiMonitor raised Numbers” for the first time. 5 percent looked at the time, occasionally Netflix. Today, there are already 28 percent and more than five times as many. High expected, increased as the number of users of 300’000 to almost 1.8 million.

the Swiss men stream more movies and TV shows on Netflix than women. However, the difference between the sexes is not too large: a 30 percent stand, compared to men, 26 percent for women.

A large part of the users is young. More than half of 15 – to 29-Year-old has Netflix. In the age group 30-39, there are still 41 percent. With increasing age, the proportion of users decreases more and more. The 60-Year-old, the streaming service is popular not even remotely so.

a comparable new digital offering is attracting, especially among young, is to be expected. The survey of the “IGEM-digiMonitor” but a couple of Surprises: it is, for example, to education, how strong Netflix is widely used. 31 percent of people in Switzerland who have visited a University or a University of applied Sciences, the use of the service. In the case of such a mandatory completion of only 25 percent.

Even more significant is the difference after the merit is. Only every tenth household with a gross income of up to 4000 francs has Netflix. Those with an income of 8000 francs, it is almost every Fourth, and in the case of households that have more than 8000 Swiss francs per month, more than every third.

the higher the wage, the more likely it is to be so consumed Netflix: it’s The same for all age groups except the youngest. A possible explanation is that the Stream is particularly the case of students, popular, have a higher education, but in a WG with a low income in life.

have Already shown in previous studies that the streaming service will total more frequent use of high-earners. Actually amazing when you consider that the standard subscription with HD quality and simultaneous playback on two devices cost only 16.90 francs a month. The variant with a device and standard resolution and even 5 francs cheaper.

the reasons can only be speculated. It is possible that households with little money on an Internet connection. Because Internet-enabled Smartphones are now so widespread that it needs to be a home Wi-Fi network. And to watch movies on the small phone screen, for everyone.

Even the Elderly are increasingly mobile on-the-go and stream more and more often. The number of Netflix users in Switzerland is thus likely to rise in the coming years. However, the leader is not allowed to rest. Because of Tech-giant Apple, the entertainment giant Disney, as well as the media division of Warner Media of the Telecom group AT&T launching soon its own streaming platforms. The new entrants want to cut off a lucrative business, and Netflix customers payday.

Created: 27.08.2019, 16:28 PM