Maybe this will actually come the day that we no longer have to beat us with passwords Alternatives there are today. For example, the SwissID as a standardized log-in procedures or Fido2 with a Hardware-key that confirmed this via USB is the identity. These solutions are, however, only slowly, as can be observed, for example, in the case of the Swiss ID. That’s why we don’t get around at the Moment to you. So still applies: those Who don’t want to be hacked, must maintain a careful handling of his access data.

After: Apple in the operating system for the iPhone and iPad installed in the meantime various other functions that help do just that. Secure, strong passwords can be easy to manage to communicate without much effort from device to device and with persons of trust in the friend – known and trusted parts of a circle. There is therefore really no more reason due to insecure Logins irresponsible risks.

Find out what the passwords are uncertain

In the Video, we introduce these features and explain how you can quickly find out which passwords are to little for sure. We show how the Smartphone or Tablet as a password Manager is used – and why you might still want a separate password Manager such as 1Password, Lastpass or Keepass would like to use.

Such a password Manager, we have already presented in a previous Video. How to create secure passwords that you can remember on top of that, also, is explained here. And what you should do in General, so your data is safe, explains in the Video How you can protect yourself from hackers. In the Video shown password-Manager-App Kypass is by the way discussed in the contribution of first-class password Manager for the iPhone and the Mac in Detail.

Created: 19.08.2019, 16:11 PM