The consumption of Coca-Cola, Red Bull and juices is on the rise. However, their acids attack the enamel that protects our teeth. This is called Erosion. In the worst case, this can cause teeth pain and discolor. From a “growing Problem” says Adrian Lussi, a Professor at the University of Bern.

a dentist and a chemical engineer, has investigated in a new study of 100 beverages, food and medicines to their harmfulness, with amazing results. The drink with the largest “erosive potential”, which had in the Test, the largest decrease in the hardness of tooth enamel is reported to be pure hibiscus tea, “20 minutes online”.

dental erosion, according to the Swiss dental Association, about a third of the 26-to 30-Year-olds and almost half of the 45 – to 50-Year-olds affected. The consequences can be very painful, when the teeth are in an unusual temperature-sensitive. Can also discolor the teeth. According to dentists Lussi erosion is a growing issue because people consume more acidic food and drinks.

Neocitran engages teeth

A particularly negative impact on the teeth, according to the study, also, Rivella Blue, Fanta Orange, and Light versions of Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. Alcoholic drinks such as Bacardi Breezer Orange or Smirnoff Ice and medications such as Neocitran teeth attack also strong – as well as some soft drinks for children. The much-maligned Energy Drinks are less harmful, but still “highly erosive”.

For the study, has used Lussi teeth, collected by dentists. He exposed them to two minutes each the substances. The results show An important role of the pH level plays. He indicates how acidic or basic a drink. Drinks with low values of the teeth damage more. There are exceptions: “red wine has a relatively low pH value and is still only slightly erosive,” says Lussi.

The sun to the so-called polyphenols, which would cancel out the harmful effect. “We are not,” said Lussi know. “We try to find out. The corresponding polyphenols could be used in a mouth rinse, which could be used for the prevention of Erosion.”

beer is not for teeth are dangerous

Not all of our products is clear, which is why they are so harmful. The hibiscus tea, it had to be, for example, of substances in the Plant, says Lussi. Conversely, he had still no precise explanation of why beer is not causing erosion. “It depends on the proteins in the beer, but what exactly are responsible, we don’t know yet.”

For certain drinks it would be a simple solution, in order to reduce their erosive potential. Orange juice can be calcium added, as is usual in the United States. Their high calcium content also the reason why yogurt be significantly less harmful than Light-products, such as Coca-Cola Light, so Lussi was.

There, the calcium-Trick does not work – as is the case with all the drinks with a pH below 4. Light drinks are harmful, because citric acid is added. “This is harmful to the acid than coal,” says Lussi.

Quickly protects drink to protect the teeth

the teeth, recommends Lussi, not in small SIPS, but to drink quickly. It also help to rinse the mouth with water. However, this can be in healthy people is not necessary. “It is important that the teeth are not clean to wait after eating to,” said Lussi. The widespread opinion that one had to wait for 30 minutes, was counter-productive. Nothing keeps Lussi from Drinking with a straw: “they are often set wrong and bring nothing. From an environmental point of view, they are also not at all useful.”

Christiane Zwahlen from the Association of Swiss mineral springs and Soft Drink producers, says the Erosion is not a Problem that affects specific drinks. “To be a good oral hygiene before,” she says. Regular brushing is important. This is not possible, it should be rinsed with water or with a dental chewing gum is neutralized.

In the case of Erosion, several factors played a role, said Zwahlen. Drinks were of a cave in comparison to other foods in the mouth. The neutralization by the saliva be done quite quickly, because drinks “drain away quickly and completely”.

“In the nature of a great many different acids to come,” said Zwahlen. Alone an Apple contains acid, ascorbic acid, malic acid, succinic acid, acetic acid, glutamic acid, tartaric acid and citric acid. In foods, the acid “Freshness, wholesomeness and effervescence teach”. (red)

Created: 12.07.2019, 09:31 PM