Nicely decorated, well-fed, in the Limmat valley born and died early. About the life of the woman it can be summarized that lived approximately 2,200 years ago in Zurich. To this end, the analysis of which has made the interdisciplinary archaeological team of the city of Zurich from the discovery of the grave goods. The tomb was 2017 in the upgrading of the school’s core discovered the woman had been buried in a oak tree trunk coffin. And even then, one spoke of a Sensation.

Sensational, in particular, the glass beads chain. It is in accordance with the city’s archaeology in its Form unique. The precious glass – and amber – as well as the spiral eye beads are strung between two fibulae, so-called garment-clasps,. The beads are probably from the long-distance trade. All of this suggests a privileged position of the woman close. In addition, they found a belt chain made of Bronze with belt holders in form of animal head. All of the tomb were the grave goods typical of the younger iron to about 200 before Christ, as a project Manager Andreas Motschi said on Friday in front of the media.

From the skeleton of the woman were included in the discovery of the tomb of the skull and parts of the Arm and leg bone. The bones show that she has worked hard physically, and some with osteoarthritis suffered. The study of the teeth allows for further insight into the life of the woman. She had severe caries, because she had often taken with honey sweetened dishes. They also ate millet and animal products. All of this could only be afforded by well-to-do persons. At the root of a tooth shows that she died at the age of 40 years. It was then rather late.

on the Basis of the opulent grave goods differentiated statements can be made. Video: Lea Koch

In the grave individual textile-, fur – and leather remains have been found at the burial deposits. Thus, it was possible to determine the sequence of the layers of Clothing. The Keltin wool was, therefore, a dress made of fine sheep. In a t-shirt cloth, a coat made of sheepskin was the conclusion. The laced shoes were made of leather.

A Limmattalerin, say the Isotope

With a so-called isotope analysis could be made statements about how the woman lived. So the researchers suspect that you grew up in the Region of today’s Canton of Zurich, more precisely in the Limmat valley.

isotopes are different heavy atom types of an element – hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur, Strontium and lead. Each person takes up Isotope, from birth, through food, air and water in the body and thus has access to an individual’s isotopic signature. In particular, the ratio of Strontium allows statements about the Habitat of the investigated Person.

Prior to settlement on the Lindenhof

as early as 1903, it was discovered during the construction of the gymnasium, the core of a man’s grave. It was equipped with a sword, a shield and a lance. Because of the war equipment is complete, it is believed that the man had also a better position. The tomb is located about 80 meters from the woman’s grave. The researchers assume that he is buried in the same decades. Presumably, the two have known each other at all. This Fund is exhibited in the national Museum.

On the whole area of the city discovered by archaeologists six other tombs from this period. Just where these first Celts in Zurich had their settlements, is still unknown. There is in Zurich so far, no settlement remains from this period.

It assumes that there is a town-like settlement of the Celts on the Lindenhof hill in the first half of the 1. Century before Christ, has given. On archaeological excavations indicate and evaluations.

The graves at the school house of the core, however, are 100 years older. Probably there were smaller settlements around Zurich, including Aussersihl.


Created: 05.07.2019, 15:05 PM