Sebastian Vettel received in Canada, a 5-second penalty, Lewis Hamilton won because of that. Commissioners make the formula 1 is broken?
It always depends on who you ask. In England, many say that it was right to punish Vettel.

Ferrari wants to appeal against the verdict Protest …
… that is, the past is the past.

There is no Chance of success?
Ferrari has no Chance with the Protest. It’s about the right to appeal, and in this article is that the decision can only be reconsidered if there are new elements in this case. It is not to be but.

Is the data location in such a clear?
First you must understand how the process is running. It is the race Director who decides whether a Situation needs to be investigated. He has all of the information that the commissioners on the spot. In the office of a technician who has access to all the data. You can look at the Situation in the slowdown, have other cameras, for instance from the helicopter’s perspective, you have a lot more information than the viewers. But yeah, I saw the race on TV without all of the information in question, like so many others: Why is he now gets a penalty, he was on the front, sakarya escort as he slipped on the grass and then back to the track?

And: Why he got it?
There is a basic rule: If one leaves a track with all four wheels, which was the case here, he is not allowed to return to the track when it interferes with others. This is true but only if the drivers are in a fight. And this is precisely defined: The Behind-propelled must be in a certain distance. If that was so, I don’t know, because to me the data is missing.

But had not attacked, at least in Hamilton in this curve.

Then the Argument of battle falls away, however.
If there had been an attack, then the case would be clear for me. If it was, was at least clear. But I don’t want to presume to make the judgment in question.

they Could see Vettel is an intention?
no. He only had to look to it that he keeps the car under control.

“I’ve always been of the philosophy that to let the drivers drive. To work this out.”

Plays is the intention in the reasoning even matter?
Well, intentionally a non-driving anyway on the lawn, he has no advantage as a result.

you can Find the judgment hard?
I have always been of the philosophy that to let the drivers drive. To work this out. We should only intervene when it is really unfair.

Was this the case here?
At first glance, tend not to.

is Sometimes used, sometimes not. The punishments seem arbitrary.
It is always a matter of discretion, which is determined on the basis of facts. On-the-spot.

it Would have been better to make the decision alone after the race?
It is always bad to change after the race the standings. Better get a penalty, and everyone knows what he is.

The commissioners must evaluate a lot of data in a short period of time. This is a source of error?
today’s cars are equipped with electronics that you can say exactly where a danger is. The distance to the other car is accurately recorded, the time interval, the tempo difference, what had Vettel input curve for a speed of what Hamilton is all placed on top of each other and looked at. But Yes: in The end, it is always a human decision.

Gerd Ennser, chief Commissioner at the GP of Canada, and the driver of the representatives of Emanuele Pirro, the body sat, are currently being criticized. Cope?
With Pirro I have worked together often, he is an experienced Pilot. He is very reasonable. And Gerd Ennser I have trained, he is a lawyer, a good man, a more deliberate also. He has something against Vettel, or for him.

This should be a basic requirement for this office.
Clear, and still is questioned often requested. But it is not just these two that have made the decision, it is a panel of four people.

“The commissioners see it all. The formula 1 is through-and-through glasses.”

It was in Canada for the victory. Because special tact?
no. One of the 6. Space fights, is the rank is just as important. Sports every incident must measure commissioners with the same Ellen.

Earlier it was much more, there was more spectacular duels. Must not be the target?
We had to more go – inevitably. We did not have it simple all the information. When I started as a sports Commissioner, we would not have noticed such things at all. We saw the scene on television, but have not had the opportunity to reconstruct the incident. With the technical progress it has automatically been reduced.

Can defend the driver, therefore less to a verdict?
I always say: The drivers are poor guys. Earlier, we were able to quote them to us and ask: What did you do? You could have any excuse. Today, there are no more excuses. A driver comes to the commissioners, know everything. He can’t say he would have had a Problem with the car, with the brakes, with the tires. The commissioners can say: Your brake pressure was at the time so-and-so, the tyres were in good condition – you can see everything. The formula 1 is through-and-through glasses.

Is this good for the Sport?
in the interest of Fairness, Yes. For the Show, maybe less.

Everything is over-regulated seems to be in the formula 1. Would have to be restricted to the technical possibilities?
If I have a Fan question, simply want to see good racing, he says Yes. On the other hand, the question of Fairness is but.

Would be relaxed the rules?
The rules have always existed. Only you will be set today, with all of the tools better.

How you found Vettel’s emotional behaviour after the race?
He drove a long race with a pulse of 140, with a lot of adrenaline, because things like that can happen. That’s human, that’s a good thing.

The frustrated Sebastian Vettel declares himself the winner. Video: SRF

another emotional driver Michael Schumacher was. You were Commissioner, as he wanted to RAM it in 1997 at the last race in Jerez Jacques Villeneuve from the track. He was punished afterwards. Why?
We were all in agreement: We will let the race go, we let in the, finally has won the Right, the other was outside, ready. Then there was a huge Opposition, especially from the media. Therefore, Schumacher was known afterwards, all of the championship points but.

Have you decided with the means of today different?
Sure. It would have been easy to see what had happened. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 12.06.2019, 20:43 PM