A 71-year-old man was contacted in January of 2019 from an unknown woman for the first time via Skype. The two talked again over Skype, but also via E-Mail and on the phone.

The woman was to live in France to be 38 years old and have a daughter. After a supposedly friendly ties between the two were told the woman all of a sudden, that her daughter suffers from a rare Form of cancer and she could not afford the necessary surgery.

Then, the auxiliary transferred the man is ready, in several tranches, a total of 200’000 Swiss francs, until he realized that the woman had been lying to him and cheating.

Not gullible to be

is not the identity of The woman known. The Canton of Zurich police Department in cooperation with the Prosecutor’s office lake/Oberland the investigation in this case, as the Kapo tells.

The police advises, among other things, to never pay money to people you know personally – it doesn’t matter, “such as heart sounds-stepping their story”. Tips against the Grandson of con artists you will find here. (sda/pu)

Created: 06.06.2019, 15:04 PM