out of controlled persons over 60 years should receive a subsistence bridging pension up to normal Retirement age. The proposes to the Federal Council, in addition to measures in support of domestic workers.

The free movement of persons with the EU’s help to meet the workforce needs without red tape, writes the Federal Council in a notice dated Wednesday. He wanted to ensure, however, that Swiss company recruited as many workers as possible in Switzerland. This corresponds also to the order of the immigration article in the Constitution.

vote on the free movement of persons

These had been adopted by the electorate in 2014, with the mass immigration initiative of the SVP. Soon, the vote is to limit initiative, with which the SVP calls for the end of the free movement of persons. The Federal Council has submitted to his message.

He is proposing now, however, measures could play in the referendum campaign a role. A part of aims to older workers. People lose 50 years of their work, they often have trouble to find a job. However, the Federal Council wishes to proceed. Overall, the Federal Council estimated the cost or the volume of investment of around 300 million Swiss francs. Most of the measures are time-limited until 2024.

Better advice

With a three-year-old pulse program is to be expanded the Advisory services of the Regional employment centres (RAV) for older persons and improved. The Federal Council wants to spend a year or 62.5 million Swiss francs. The Federal contribution to unemployment insurance will be increased accordingly.

adults aged 40 and over should be able to take advantage of a free location determination, potential analysis and career advice. In the case of vocational qualifications to training more consistently be taken into account. Balanced persons over 60 are easier to get access to education and employment measures.

New bridging pension

For these measures are no changes in the law necessary. Such it need, however, for the bridging pension. The Federal Council has instructed the interior Department (EDI), to prepare a Consultation draft.

Who is at the age to be unemployed, and no unemployment insurance receives more, today is often dependent on social assistance benefits. The sense of social assistance is, however, Affected life as quickly as possible back into the workforce, writes the Federal Council. In older people this goal can be achieved often only with great difficulty. Therefore, a bridging power is expected to be introduced until Retirement.

heard Similar to supplementary benefits

To the requirements that the Person has less than 100’000 Swiss francs of assets, wherein the self-occupied residential property would not be credited. The calculation of the Bridging benefit would be based on the provisions for supplementary benefits. Basically, they correspond to the difference between the approved expenditure and the allowable revenue, writes the Federal Council.

Because while receiving the temporary benefit, no AHV-pension, would need the amount for the General life, but a Supplement of 50 per cent. The pension from the pension Fund would be credited after deduction of an allowance than an income. In the case of a continued insurance in the current pension Fund contributions could be counted as output. Capped the bridging pension will need to be three times the amount for General living.

Around 2500 people in the year

The number of people Affected varies. In the year 2018 2657-balanced persons were registered than 60. The highest number was observed in the year 2004, 4001 persons, the lowest in 2009, with 1697 people.

For 2018 would be the cost of the bridging pension of around 95 million Swiss francs. The calculation is based on the assumption that 60 per cent of the controlled persons are entitled to the maximum power. The cost for subsequent years would be higher, since more persons are being added. An estimate of the Federal Council.

Integration-apprenticeship training in the care

Other measures aimed at the Integration of foreigners, and from foreigners into the labour market. For 2018 there is Integration-apprenticeship training for refugees and temporarily admitted. The Federal Council wants to expand the program to young immigrants outside the asylum area.

at the same time, integration should be vorlehren extended to the professional fields of Information and communication technology, as well as the care. In addition, the Federal Council wants to simplify hard-to-place refugees and temporarily admitted, the inclusion in the labour market, with financial grants.

About an improvement of the Situation of older workers take the Confederation, the cantons and the social partners were discussed recently at a conference. Among the topics that you wanted to pursue, also contributed to a better social protection for Out. (TA/sda)

Created: 15.05.2019, 16:32 PM