“Bensinupproret applying for a demonstration in Stockholm”

“are also Planning gatherings in parking lots”

“The first demonstration was stopped when they didn’t have time to get permission.”

“Now has the much publicised Bensinupproret 2.0 applied to demonstrate in Stockholm, on may 31.”

“– We want it to go to Rosenbad, said founder Eric Berglund.”

“”Bensinupproret 2.0” is on everyone’s lips. When the newspaper Aftonbladet wrote about Facebook-the uprising for a week they had over 100 000 members – early on Wednesday morning they passed a half a million. “

” It’s nothing, we had even been able to dream about. It is well so that this issue has caused so much bad blood out in the country, and that is why it has been such a huge onslaught, ” says Janne Berglund who started the group a month ago.”

“the Group is protesting against the fuel taxes can in about 60 per cent, and the general record-high price of gasoline and diesel continued to rise. Monday step chains recommended retail price by 20 cents to 16,89 sek for a litre of 95-octane gasoline.”

“To meet at the supermarkets.”

“On Saturday at 13, it plans to hold its first assembly, in larger parking lots outside supermarkets in Stockholm, Umeå, Jönköping, Helsingborg, Karlshamn, Gothenburg and Sundsvall.”

“– There is no manifestation, without the gatherings for our members. We should get together to create a more solid cohesion in the group, ” says Janne Berglund.”

“The first manifestation was stopped in order to not have the time to arrange the permission. Yesterday left Janne Berglund, and his team of 20 people administers the group, a new application for a demonstration in Stockholm on may 31.”

“– the Terminus is a Comment, and we hope that we can start the demonstration at Sergels torg. It will be a completely peaceful demonstration with placards and so on that promotes our thing. We will really be seen and heard, but completely peaceful.”

“Will it be worn vests?”

” We have said that all are welcome to participate in the demonstration, no matter how you are dressed. If you have a yellow, green or red vest, you are welcome. And you don’t need the west either. Just sharing our thing.”

“Aftonbladet has been in contact with the Police, who have not yet dealt with Bensinupprorets application.”

“counter-thrust from Bosse Bildoktorn”

“Janne Berglund’s initiative is similar to the Yellow vests-the uprising in France and may be deducted by analogy. But the founder stresses that he is just only want to see the peaceful expression of discontent.”

“We understand the frustration of the France, but take the measurements from the methods to burn cars, smash storefronts, and more,” says Janne Berglund.”

“this Initiative has received a lot of opposition, and it has even started ”Bensinupproret 3.0” as want to have higher gasoline prices for klimatomställningens sake. The very popular Bob Bildoktorn says in a movie from the Swedish society for nature conservation that gasoline is not too expensive, if you look at that vehicles are becoming more fuel efficient and that the purchasing power of society increased.”

” I can only answer for what our 500,000 members are expressing to us, that it is very hard to get vardagsekonomin to go together. So I do not understand this, ” says Janne Berglund.”

“– We think not that it would be run more car if the price of gasoline would be reduced by removing some taxes. What we hear from our members is to have the car to the necessary number of trips that you need to do to cope with everyday life, continues Janne Berglund.”

“We have not reached anywhere than””

“finance Minister Magdalena Andersson has stated that she can identify with the anger every time she thoughts the car, but that the recent increase in the price depends on external factors and the weakness of the crown. Which even the petrol stations ‘ trade association SPBI stated.”

“Bensinupproret has moved on massively in the pot – but is not satisfied yet.”

“– Definitely not. We have not reached anywhere than with our goal to reduce the fuel tax. What we have achieved is that we have become a very large group that we call the popular movement, and it is amazing. But in the case of fuel taxes, we have not reached anywhere yet. We of course hope that we’ll do it, ” says Janne Berglund.”