The Golf has dawned, the hour of the provocateurs. There are acts of sabotage against oil Tanker, for which no one assumes responsibility, and there are drone attacks on a Saudi Pipeline, which is obviously the Yemeni Houthi militia.

The US made it clear that they be added Tehran also actions of non-state groups that are allied with Iran. The Houthis are not, unlike the Hizbullah, under the direct control of the Iranian revolutionary guards. Some of the Shiite militias in Iraq or in Syria but it looks different.

Also in the threat posed by such groups for American troops and interests, as well as for U.S. allies in the Region, there are clearly different perceptions. While the Americans raising the alert level for your military units, and not necessarily required Embassy staff pull off, says the British commander of the US-led Alliance against the terrorist militia Islamic state publicly that there is no increased threat in Syria or in Iraq.

Since the lie justified the invasion in Iraq in 2003, the United States has lost its Status in the Region.

Either there are significant communication problems between the main members of the Alliance – or fundamentally different assessments. Or someone is trying to exploit the information for political purposes.

not all the after a solid justification for the use of military force by the United States. This is the lesson from the 2003 Iraq war was built on lies and which is the significant cause for the Chaos in the Middle East and the rise of Iran.

The threat of the Americans to respond to each attack with determination and military, should Iran be deterred. At the same time, people like the security adviser of the US President, Donald Trump, John Bolton, the other States in the Region that would like the Americans had the Iran in the barriers, a motive, between the cases. but deliver so So far there are no reliable hints. There is but it is a direct responsibility of the Iranian regime for the recent incidents.

However, it also puts Iran in a position to avoid conflict. In the triumphant tone of state media reports about the Houthi attack. In fact, it must also ask Europe whether you are leading for all the rejection of war, the Saudi Arabia in Yemen, not much too long much too lenient. As the Houthis ball fired ballistic missiles at the passenger terminal of the airport of Riyadh, or on other civilian targets in Saudi Arabia, has had little more than a shrug of the shoulders.

the attack on the Tanker will be commented on in Tehran is a bit ambiguous. Officially, the government condemns him, at the same time, deputies speak of a proof of how fragile the security in the Gulf. So no one talks, the war will be averted.

The Supreme leader Ali Khamenei announced there would be no war, because the Americans did not know that this was in their interest. He mentioned Iran in a Position of strength and gives a free letter, the Americans and their allies are calling for out of the.

which would mean a new war in the Region, with A surface fire from the Gulf to the Mediterranean sea.

Self-evidence for the direct involvement of Iran in the events of the past days would not be sufficient to justify a full-blown military action. The reaction should be proportionate.

As the U.S. Ambassador to Riyadh, John Abizaid has outlined, the correct line: It should give reasonable answers, should not be acts of war, he said. Abizaid was from 2003 to 2007, commander-in-chief of the U.S. forces in the Middle East. The man in white, which would mean a new war in the Region, Although in all probability not an Invasion in Iran, as in Iraq in 2003, but a surface fire from the Gulf to the Mediterranean sea. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 15.05.2019, 13:41 PM