“We need to be in Flanders to stop windmills to build without the co-operation of the people around live. What concerns me is there in Flanders, wind mill and more without the people investing in it and also return from it”. That has Open Vld party leader and former Energy minister Bart Tommelein today said in the VTM News.

To the objectives in the field of renewable energy, Flanders not only bet on solar energy, there should also be additional windmills. A important obstacle for that windmills is the lack of support at the local level. That goes from local protests to the mayors “who are afraid to have their necks sticking out,” said Tommelein.

Read also Near Merlebeek reads a warning bell: “three windmills, it is really thoughtless”

As of the Open Vld’it depends, support for windmills to be strengthened by the involvement of the neighborhood to increase. So he wants local residents to invest in wind turbines and then also reaping the benefits. the

“That means to me that there are no windmills in Flanders without that people invest in and also profit from it. That profit must not go to the big companies or go abroad. It’s the people who live nearby of such a wind turbine should be able to enjoy the production and profit of the windmill,” said Tommelein. He wants that condition also like to enroll in the following Flemish coalition agreement.

According to Tommelein, there are already cooperative projects, where people of three to six percent return on their investment. “There is not a single savings product where you six percent yield gets” a mess of it.