On June 5, found in Denmark, elections take place and just as in our country and the politicians are in full campaign mode. Joachim B. Olsen, a former zilverenmedaillewinnaar in the shot put at the Olympics and current member of parliament for the Liberal Alliance, has a very special place to prospective voters to lure.

Olsen advertised on Pornhub, the largest porn website in the world. Also his slogan did many eyebrow frown. “Når en færdig med at gambling., så stem på Jokke!” , were visitors to read on the website. Or translated to English: “If you’re ready to masturbate, vote for Jokke (nickname in Denmark for people that Joachim be called, editor’s note)!”

“You have to be anywhere, we thought it was funny to place an advertisement on Pornhub. Half of the internet consists of porn and you have to be where the voters are, so even on a porn website”, motivated the politician is his remarkable campaign at the Danish magazine Copenhagen Post. Olsen also said that he ad not always discussed with his party. the

“I know there are some people shocked. You can now say no more without people getting angry. But I don’t take this seriously,” he explains. “He who has me as a politician to know that I seriously am. But I also have a sense of humor and this is according to me a good joke,” said Olsen.