Surprisingly have significantly deteriorated, the centre for European economic research (ZEW), the collected mood data among financial professionals. However, the assessment of the current situation is improving.

It is a mixed picture of the mood, the draw from the Mannheim research Institute ZEW survey of financial experts, the economic situation in Germany.

‘ expectations in may fell 5.2 points to minus 2.1 points, after having risen in April to a positive value of 3.1. Thus, the indicator is more than ever under the long-term average of the ZEW-economic expectations of 22.1 points.

In the same period, has improved the assessment of the current economic situation for Germany by 2.7 points. The new value for the position indicator even rises to 8.2 points.

Perhaps stronger growth in the first quarter of

The development of production and exports in Germany, as well as the latest Eurostat flash estimate for economic growth in the Euro area in the first quarter, had nourished the hope that the German economy probably expanded in the first quarter, stronger than expected, said ZEW President Achim Wambach.

“The decline in the ZEW indicator of economic expectations shows that financial market experts/assume inside for the next six months, a modest economic growth in Germany. The recent escalation of the trade conflict between the United States and China will increase the uncertainty in terms of German exports, and thus a Central factor for the growth of the gross domestic product.”

worry lines remain

the expectations of The experts in the development of the economy in the Euro zone fall as well. The corresponding indicator fell in may to minus 1.6 points, 6.1 points below the value from the previous month. The indicator for the current economic situation in the Euro area rises by 6.2 points to minus 7.0 points. Also for the economy of the Eurozone, the economic Outlook remains, therefore, legal behavior.

For Patrick Boldt, economist at Helaba, interpret the results, then, that on Thursday the upcoming Ifo business climate Index is expected to be negative. Also would not be smoothed with the latest ZEW data, the “economic worry lines”, the interest maintenance with respect to the ECB stepped up.

markets hardly respond

The centre for European economic research, surveyed on a monthly basis to approximately 200 analysts and institutional investors about their medium-term expectations for the economy and the capital market development. The ZEW Index reflects the difference between the positive and negative expectations for the future economic development in Germany over the coming six months.

for More course information to the Dax

for More rate information the Euro in US dollars

In the financial markets of the new economy were put expectations tend to shrug it note. The Dax tended to be higher in the late morning, with approximately 11.908 points, slightly above its opening price. And the Euro moves without a great deal of fluctuation in the range of 1,1238 dollars.

