the DN has previously reported that Karolinska university hospital has a huge financial deficit.

the new master kai fa Björn Zoëga party on the first of april, it was clear that the deficit in the first quarter increased to sek 1.5 billion – a deterioration of sek 400 million compared with the forecast in the beginning of the year. Cfo Margareta Firm had had to quit his post with immediate effect.

At the beginning of the year had the hospital’s board of directors stated that around 420 services must be removed. But in april, it was clear that it is not enough. Zoëga said in an interview that he in a short time got clear that it was not going to wait to take action

“We need to stop the bleeding,” said Björn Zoëga then to DN.

that the measures taken to streamline the business, including a anställningsstopp, is not enough. Therefore, submitted on Tuesday a notice to the services. It includes the 550 positions in the administration, and applies to both employees and managers.

A source from within the hospital describes the mood after the announcement, which was submitted on Tuesday morning.

” It has been put on notice. It now came in the morning. People are worried about. It is kaosartat, ” says the source.

said in a press release that the Karolinska find themselves in a financial emergency.

– to take responsibility for the hospital’s economy, this is a necessary measure, but we will safeguard the healthcare business. I understand that it creates much concern for many of our employees, but we need to take control of the situation, ” says Björn Zoëga.

it will also take other measures to see over the rental and it costs.

” We are also continuing with the previously planned action plans – although they will need to be strengthened. In all action plans the priority is to protect the healthcare business and to maintain patient safety.

According to the hospital is the notice the start of a process, where in the next step it to identify the roles that can be redundant. The process should last for a few months, oh include impact assessments, and trade union cooperation. A review should start at both the local and central staffs to see how the number of employees is to decrease.

Karolinskas chairman of the board Håkan Sörman:

” this is addressed to administrative services, which marks that we all want to avoid compromising care and patient safety.

” Our assessment is that it will not make it. It is the starting point we had.

” No. Unnecessary in different perspectives. You also get a look at what personalnumerär we have today compared to a few years back. I think that this is about to return to a level that was in 2015 when it comes to administrative services. It is always so, it is possible to change and adjust. I think that there are good opportunities to pass this without that it would have negative consequences on the care, ” says Sörman.

which services are affected is not clear at this point. According to Sörman, it is not likely that you will face the situation only with natural attrition.

– It is the assessment now, but it may all the time be aware of. The package of measures that we had during the first few months have not at all given the results we had intended. It is not satisfactory at all.

The economic situation is very serious. So the situation is more serious now than it was the first of January. Then we said 420 services. We’ll see what it becomes in the end. It will require much more action than has been made.

” Partly, it has not implemented the measures, as we said, and the actions that we said has perhaps not had the effect we intended. It is the reduction of staff in particular, but also other cost reductions.

” this is a starting signal of a new process. We should pass the budget in 2019, in accordance with the decision the council has taken.

” There’s a very clear focus on patient safety should not be compromised. The measures will not be accepted if they come near it.

in critical articles, Karolinska introduced a completely untested vårdmodell with the help of the Boston Consulting Group. The new organization would make healthcare more effective, but have been implemented without it support has been in place, and resulted in a contribution of 30 per cent more managers. As a consequence, managers at the lower level does not control the hospital’s finances.

the County auditors in its annual report strongly criticised both the regional council, healthcare administration and to the hospital, where the deficit in 2018 was handled informally without memos or meetings, which likely exacerbated the deficit and is deemed to be in conflict with the local government act.