“Before the war for a stronger defense”

“Let the richest pay the most.”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“today, the parliamentary the defense present their conclusions. However, we know already that försvarspolitikerna not able to come to agreement. Already on Friday declared the parties of the former Alliance, they drop out. In their view, the government and the Magdalena Andersson left too vague of information when it comes to money.”

“We would be able to raljera a part of the thing. That the parties who first pushed through servettbudgetens significant tax cuts and then, in the negotiations on the januariavtalet, forced to lower taxes for the country’s richest now think that the finance minister, skimp is a little funny.”

“It’s not the Magdalena Andersson, the forced choice between maternity wards and bombs, between care for our elderly and officerslöner or between förskoleavdelningar and aircraft. It has skattesänkningsfundamentalismen done.”

“Still is the crack of the defence policy deeply unhappy. For the first thing, therefore, that the right security policy is an area in which the parties usually make the effort to reach broad agreements. It is important not only to provide the armed forces with the ability to plan, but perhaps, above all, as a signal to the outside world.”

“Political agreement is the first line of defence for Sweden.”

“second, because the politicians in the defense actually agree when it comes to the merits of the case. The security policy situation in our part of the world has deteriorated and the Swedish armed forces need to be strengthened – greatly. After a couple of decades of major cutbacks, it will cost money, big money.”

“So can all be in agreement.”

“In some ways, therefore, the unity is restored, and we have in all modesty a small suggestion. Let those who received the greatest benefits of the past years transfer of wealth stand for their part of the bill. Faced with a war for the defense. It would open up political compromises, and a more reasonable use of the word war is well difficult to imagine.”

“the Technology does not need to be the crucial factor. A war for the defense will certainly not take the form of the old värnskatten, it would in fact not go a long way. But it must lead to wealth, capital, and the unreasonable high incomes are taxed more heavily. And perhaps to those who own the most to refrain from some of the privileges of the current system.”

“all in All, it may not be not be impossible to shake until they are maybe 30 or 40 billion would be needed. It is, after all, is to safeguard Sweden’s independence. And our uniqueness as one of the world’s richest, most well-functioning and jämlikaste communities.”