It should be a funny election campaign of action, but the shot went off for the Jusos to the back of The box and throw the current politicians joined on photos next to Hitler. For the Union is completely “unacceptable”.

With a campaign of action in the Bavarian town of Ansbach, the Jusos, has drawn the Anger of the Union. The organization had offered to throw in a Stand Can. The doses in the likenesses of various politicians were to be seen – by the CDU-Boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer of the CSU on AfD members up to a picture of Adolf Hitler.

“stoking the hatred in the middle of society,”

The SPD europaab ordered Maria Noichl had published a photo of the tin tower on Twitter, with the quote: “A super info the JUSO stand Ansbach. Thank you! You’re the top!”

The criticism was followed by the prompt: “I call on the SPD leadership to distance themselves from such actions immediately and clearly”, said CDU General Secretary Paul Zemiak. On Twitter, he accused the young socialists, “to stir up hatred in the middle of the society”.

“Unacceptable and appalling”

Also, the CSU MEP Markus flower saw the SPD tip in the duty, the action, the “miss manners” to respond:

“The shabby comparisons and games of the Jusos are completely unacceptable. This action by the SPD-applauded the Establishment and fires, is shocking, and requires the Intervention of the SPD party leadership.”

The Chairman of the Junge Union, Tilman Kuban, recommended that the SPD Tweet “decency” therapy, “again in the reality to arrive”.

Noichl apologizes

Noichl has deleted the picture now back on Twitter and apologized “for the action, the people”: “This was and has never been my intention or that of the Jusos of Ansbach.” You have judged the action wrong, and thanked me for the “objective criticism”.