Mr Minister, what are the Swiss cohesion contributions?
The Swiss contributions are expected in the EU. Also, Poland has received a part. A large part of the funds returned, but also in Switzerland, for example in the Form of orders to Swiss companies.

Have you plugged the economy Minister, Guy Parmelin, a list with concrete project ideas for the next payment?
no. This identify is not the responsibility of two Ministers. For this purpose, we have professionals on both sides. First, we evaluate what worked well in the past and what is less. In Poland, there were about 1,700 projects that we have realized with our Swiss partners (Anm. d. Red: The Federation is one of 58 projects). This may seem in comparison to all the investments in the framework of the EU cohesion policy is a little remarkable, but the visibility of the Swiss contributions is very large. Many poles know of the support from Switzerland.

Yes. Wherever the projects are running, the slopes of the Swiss flags. The contributions are not seen in Poland as aid for poor regions, but as a contribution to the economic cooperation between the two countries.

Where is cooperation good?
for example in the area of environment and nature, but also in the health sector, where Poland is benefiting from the experience of Switzerland. And in the regional development: we don’t like that Swiss Innovation only takes place in Zurich and Geneva, but also in the country. We would also like to be a polycentric country and to learn from Switzerland. Of all Innovation: Switzerland in almost all the Rankings in the top three. This must be our goal. Poland rebuilds its economy away from cheap labour to a knowledge economy. The cooperation with Switzerland will help.

Switzerland is profiting from the common market with the EU a lot more than you for the contribution to Cohesion issues.

Some Swiss politicians believe that the next cohesion contribution was voluntary, and could be used as a pledge or a refusal. What you say to them?
I can tell you that Switzerland benefits from the common market with the EU a lot more than you for the contribution to Cohesion issues. The EU cohesion policy is extremely successful. It serves regional economic inequalities, to promote weak regions. The EU-population estimates of the very. The financial resources from the cohesion pot are essential. If Switzerland wants to continue to benefit from the common market – and they benefited in a high mass, so there is no reason to refuse the payment of the cohesion contributions.

The participation in the market has its price?
I wouldn’t put it that way. The participation in the first place brings benefits! For the EU countries as well as Switzerland. An example: The Visegrad countries Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have calculated that of every Euro that comes in the framework of the EU budget from net-donor countries such as the Netherlands or Germany to the us, 80 cents flow back. And in the case of neighboring countries, such as Germany and Poland there are even 1.20 Euro. Really, it’s a Win-win Situation. We are investing EU funds in our future. For this, we are in need of services and quality products from the donor countries. Poland is becoming a more important trading partner and market for the donor States.

the Polish economy is growing strongly, last year, to 5 percent. When will Poland itself, the donor country?
This is our long-term goal. We want to join the Club of the rich States. In terms of purchasing power (GDP per capita) Poland has overtaken just Greece. This year, we should create Portugal, the next target is Italy. Then Germany and finally to Switzerland, it comes to fit. (laughs) Poland is a major European economy, and according to the forecasts, we have many more years of economic growth ahead of us.

it’s the EU that makes this growth possible?
Sure. Poland entered the EU prior to 15 years ago, on 1. May 2004. Our economy is growing so strong today, is essential to our membership in the common market. In the case of the EU, but there is more to it than money: The Union is based on values. We have turned to the West in 1989, 30 years ago, because we wanted to get away from communism and towards Europe. Because of our European roots in Athens, Rome and Christianity. Poland is part of the European family.

Why is your party, the ruling right-national PIS (law and justice), then often so critical of the EU?
This is completely wrong. We may argue with the current EU leadership sometimes, but we firmly believe in the Union. We want to make them better, our quality of life to preserve. Also, the population of Poland is very Europe-friendly, 91 percent are in favour of EU membership. This value increased in the last years, also because of our policy. Right: We want to be a full Partner in the EU, not just a Teenager who knocks at the door of the adult room. Maybe we were a Teenager, but we are not there. We want to sit at the same table as the other big Nations.

In today’s EU-Commission is operated in the opposite poles of a political campaign.

Is Poland, or more as a Junior treated?
Those days are over fortunately. We will be stronger and stronger. We pass the first of the EU-15 member States economically. Socially, we are extremely strong: We reduce poverty, unemployment, raise the minimum wage. And our political stability is high. The is noted.

of Poland, reform of the judiciary, but the effects are destabilizing. The independence of the judiciary is at risk. Thousands demonstrate against it.
Poland is a liberal country, we must demonstrate, no one will send the special units of the police against demonstrators. Ask for the Reform of the judicial system. The was necessary. Since the beginning of the Transformation after 1989, the judiciary was left almost completely intact. Therefore, we still had judges from the Communist Era – in the constitutional and Federal court, as well as regional dishes. The Polish population has expected of us, that we can change the. I’m not saying that we have made no mistake, each tag brings problems. But something had to be done. The processes lasted for far too long, and the caste of the judge was to be untouchable, to be privileged.

Last year there were protests in more than 60 Polish cities, often of young people. Not have defended all of the old Communists?
In the summer of 2017 felt many of our citizens are concerned, what led to protests. The government has seen this and appropriate corrections in the Reform. Since then there have been no protests. The Reform touches the interests of an Elite, which is good and of an international network. But the criticism is not justified, in my opinion. In today’s EU-Commission is about a political campaign operated against Poland and the other countries of our Region.

Poland accession, many workers lost since the EU.
It is true that many young, well-educated poles have emigrated in the last 15 years. Especially to the United Kingdom and to Ireland, where they were already starting in 2004. These countries have benefited from our labor, what has made us so happy. But two, three years ago, the Trend could be stopped. Today we have a Remigration. Many poles are coming back. We have almost no unemployment, the rising standard of living. Also, many people from other countries come to us.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 13.05.2019, 10:50 PM