“The lawyer: the Long road to possible prosecution”

“Julian Assange’s Swedish lawyer Per E Samuelsson are surprised that the investigation of rape is taken up again.”

“About the prospects for a possible prosecution against his client, he says:”

” It’s a long way to go.”

“the Lawyer is surprised by prosecutors’ decision to reopen the preliminary investigation of the alleged rape in 2010.”

” I was convinced that they would do the opposite. And the reason is that he is in a very difficult situation already as it is, Ecuador has withdrawn his asylum, the Uk has sentenced him to 50 weeks in prison and the united states has requested his extradition, says Per E Samuelsson.”

“He is critical of the lengthy process and points out that it is the third time that the investigation be resumed.”

“– It has been almost ten years. The interest of rooting in this old story a third time is minimal. The sum of this has the prosecutors not taken into account the suffering of the World have to endure when the Swedish judicial system hats back and forth in this way.”

“the Woman who reported Assange for rape, has, however, through its complainant manifested that she wants the case taken up again.”

” It is important for Assange to help, but it has been closed twice in the past. It tells a lot about the evidence situation that it is put down time and time again, says Samuelsson.”

“TT: Last time it was down was not due to bevissvårigheter, without formalities, according to the prosecutor?”

” According to the prosecutors, yes. But I was in London and heard his explanation.”

“According to the prosecutor Eva-Marie Persson, however, there is the basis of the so far carried out the preliminary investigation probable cause that Assange committed rape.”

“the Lawyer Per E Samuelsson has not yet been able to speak with Assange since he was arrested in april and are now expecting to have to go to London and visit him in prison.”

“TT: Will you contest the arrest?”

“– That I assume. But I must first obtain instructions from him.”

“TT: How do you see the prospects that there will be a prosecution?”

” It’s a long way to go. He will be examined again. Then it produced a förundersökningsprotokoll that he and I together will go through before the prosecutors even have the right to decide on prosecution. And in the light of the situation he is in, I think it will take a very long time. It is required that he has the stamina and energy enough to deal with this matter in the light of everything else he has to contend with.”

TT: it Means that the period of limitation can be bypassed?”

“– That I know nothing about. What I do know is that there are rättsäkerhetsregler in the Swedish code of judicial procedure, which prosecutors must follow. Among the rules that provide the rights of the suspected, is to he shall have a reasonable time to go through the investigation. It can take a long time to meet the rättssäkerhetskravet.”