Maasmechelen It was this morning, not a nice wake up for the local N-VA of Maasmechelen. In the whole of the congregation were the signs of a leader for the Room Zuhal Demir and her Maasmechelse spokesman Andy Pieters (11th place Room) plastered. “We are here to stay, quiet and will have new signs in place”, responds chairman Jan Valgaeren. Zuhal Demir let all know not to be intimidated.

On the boards are under more swastikas, Turkish slogans and three moons. That last refers to the Grey Wolves, an extreme right-wing Turkish organization linked to the Party of the Nationalist Movement (MHP). In their ideology belongs to a Gray Wolf to the ‘Turkish race’ and this identity is at the core of their faith.

Read also Demir pulls out to sp.a: “a Sympathiser of Gray Wolves on the list for the Flemish Parliament,” Mustafa Aytar

The action will not be a surprise. Yesterday appeared on our site an article in which Demir uithaalde to the sp.a because they are accused of, that there are supporters of the Grey Wolves on their list for the Flemish Parliament. She pointed to Mustafa Aytar, that on an old photo, the sign of the Grey Wolves made. He did say that as a joke. “The party used the Turkish community as cattle, which, wait for sp.a to Mustafa Aytar to close?”, she wondered. the

Previously accused Demir also the CD&V all the same in the person of Yasin Gül, then the party was set. Gül was, until recently, ships for Green in Heusden-Zolder and had one of the river figures for the Flemish elections.

Zuhal Demir on social media to let them know not to be intimidated. “The Gray Wolves want to feel that they are in charge in the province of Limburg and plastering my posters. While influence can best by itself on a private list to stand in place of you to hide on the lists of the traditional parties, and so in backrooms to collect money for you haatboodschappen. I do not let me intimidate you,” said Demir.


“Even in Maasmechelen let the wolves their pootafdruk behind. Unbelievable. But let us never be intimidated,” so late also Andy Pieters know.

The local N-VA department in Bicester will be the stained posters, replaced as soon as possible. “Previously our boards are also already authenticated and omgeduwd”, sigh Valgaeren. “Of course, this is not fine, but we know what we stand for. Other parties have worse problems than a few damaged signs. It is unfortunate that people are our plates full of the throat, and it costs us extra work. Ah, yes, we are here to stay calm.”