“Banksy-exhibition in Gothenburg, sweden vandalised”

“today opened the exhibition ”The Art of Banksy” in Gothenburg, with several works of the famous artist.”

“But when the staff came to the room in the morning was a facade vandalised with graffiti.”

“Now there is speculation of whether it is Banksy himself is behind the klottret.”

“Several of the mythologized artist Banksy’s works are exhibited in Gothenburg, sweden. The exhibition ”The Art of Banksy” opened today.”

“But today, on opening day, met the staff of utställningslokalens façade was nedklottrad.”

“– In the morning when we arrived, it was a small work, ” says Mattias Zingmark at Nordic Exhibitions.”

“But the ”work” represents nothing.”

“– It says nothing. I can not decipher one letter. It is pure nedklottring, ” says Mattias Zingmark.”

“it Is he himself who is behind it?”

“– It is speculated the wild in it. Several guests and journalists during the day asked. But even if Banksy would be in town so will I, as the marketing manager, never get to know it.”

“Banksy has previously created titles on their art. In the fall, went on one of his paintings for a million pounds at an auction. A few seconds after the purchase strimlades the work apart in a shredder.”

“– We seem to have been Banksy-ade, ” said Alex Branczik, Sotheby’s konstchef in Europe, to the Aftonbladet newspaper after the coup.”

“Mattias Zingmark at Nordic Exhibitions underlines that they are not located behind the klottret which is now to be taken away.”

” We have an arrangement with a landlord and our neighbors. We would work with gerillakommunikation or different types of PROMOTIONAL activities, it is difficult to do it in a way that we ourselves find distasteful. This affects also our neighbors and that we like not. The color has also reached the facades around, and I do not think we are acceptable.”

“Klotterattacken against ”The Art of Banksy” has polisanmälts.”