“Camilla Läckberg on the therapy: ”Feel a failure””

“Camilla Läckberg is fighting against the body fixation and to accept himself. “

“Now reveals the success author that she had taken measures to treat their kroppsångest.”

“– I is not entirely free. I go to therapy for this, ” says Camilla Läckberg to the magazine Amelia.”

“In the latest issue of Amelia tells deckardrottningen Camilla Läckberg, 44, on their chimeras for the mind and thoughts about body fixation, food and weight. “

“Something that is so deeply rooted in her that she decided to go to a therapist. “

“– I go to therapy for this. My problem is that I feel a failure who does not master these hjärnspökena. I should have all the tools needed to beat down tankegrodorna, I think – I am smart, happily in love, privileged in every way – and yet I fail, ” says Läckberg in Amelia. “

“Camilla Läckberg also believe that viktångest is a ojämnställt problems. “

” Five pounds here or there can make us broken, crippling us. We dare not take a job for that we have gone up in weight. Do not dare to go into a relationship. We are held back by our own shame about our bodies. At the same time as the fat old men sitting on the Riche, and confidently invites 22-year-old girls on the drinks. It is so skewed. I hope that we are the last generation who are stuck in this, ” she says to the newspaper. “

“She also calls on others to not be too hard on themselves when the negative thoughts come creeping. “

“– do not Knock yourself for you have days when you don’t manage to go free. Accept that you have days when the voice wins. But thankfully, I think that this begins to phase itself out. It is going in the right direction, ” she says. “