the Reaction to the muslim fasting month of ramadans first moments is unusually large. In the warm spring sun quickens large amounts of believers to the mosque in central stockholm a good while after the imam has started the prayer, and it is clear that the mood was on top.

Friends Selman Yilmaz, Hamsa Mahmood, Hassan Zalloum and Alladin Yebari to start their final year of high school this fall and tells us that just at the first Friday prayer is especially important for them.

” You should be extra nice today. For example helping old people, ” says Hassan Zalloum.

hold each a rose, which they have been awarded by a representative from the humanitarian organization Islamic relief, in your hand. The symbol is clear: the day is about care for their fellow human beings.

– There is a greater reward to come to the mosque today. The rose is about to show compassion to others. Love and respect to all the other people, ” says Hamza Mahmood and receives support from their friends.

– It depends on how it is set. I have been looking forward to this, and then it is not a hassle. During this time, you try to hone his personality and become a better human being, ” says Alladin Yebari.

Image 1 of 2 Isma and Sid Khan. Photo: Adam Daver Slide 2 of 2 Sid Kahn. Photo: Adam Daver Slideshow

Isma Khan and her husband, Sid Khan, who both are very positive over Friday’s rally of support when the prayer is completed.

” It was amazing, a sense of belonging. It was emotional. The prayer was really touching today. Everything is about peace and to unite, and to help others, ” says Isma Khan.

Sid Khan shows around the inside of the mosque, where large chandeliers hanging high above the men conversing quietly in groups, sitting on the floor covered with carpets. He stresses the importance of ramadan to understand the situation of other people who are poor and struggling.

– the Purpose of fasting is to remind you of those who are less fortunate. And it is about to focus on becoming a better person. Fasting also teaches you self-discipline and to be calm, ” he says.

Jalal Darir. Photo: Adam Daver

a large number of representatives of the various charities. The aim is to collect money and to engage visitors in aid of vulnerable people in different parts of the world. Jalal Darir is one of several people who work for Islamic relief. He tells us that there has been an unusual many people to the Friday prayer in the mosque.

” They could not find place in the main hall. It came between 2,500 and 3,000 people in the day. A usual Friday, about 2,000. We opened all the offices so that everyone would be able to get a place to pray in. We opened sportsalen, ” he says.

He tells us that Friday is especially good to have fundraisers, because the occasion is the first occasion during the month of ramadan when large amounts of people get together, and then there is a greater willingness to give money.

Salma Nanyanzi. Photo: Adam Daver

also has several representatives on the site. Although they bear witness to an unusually large generosity before and after the Friday prayer.

” this day has been very exciting. In just five minutes I actually managed to get a new contributor. It gave me a good feeling and a good start. People are kinder and more generous a day like this, ” says Salma Nanyanzi, who on Friday made his first day for the organization in Stockholm.

She receives support from her colleagues, Abdul Zahid and Olivier Matauda, which also had many positive encounters with moskébesökarna during the day.

Tarik Yassine. Photo: Adam Daver

that chose to become new contributors during the Friday.

” I do it for those who need a little more to be able to live a good life. It is important for the children. There are many that need help, ” he says.