Abroad No, this is not a joke. The person in charge of a park in Berlin has a remarkable new practice is introduced. To inconvenience in the Görlitzer Park in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district to limit, he has fixed places marked where drug dealers be allowed to stand.

The idea comes from park manager Cengiz Demirci. The Görlitzer Park is in the course of the years a gathering place for drug addicts in Berlin. By fixed places for dealers to create, he wants to sort things out. Also residents with their dog like walking or mothers with their children to want to be able to enjoy the park.

The park manager sprayed in pink paint marked areas on the sides of a walking path at an entrance of the park. “Here, two people stand,” he told Abendschau . On the other side is also a box where dealers can stand. “This is not about the legalization of drugs,” he says. “But this way we avoid that other visitors of the park accosted.”

work Permit

Both the politics and the police would be the fight against drugs in the vicinity of the park for years specified, making the drugs there is in practice tolerated. From the police, there is not yet responded to the proposal. The CDU expressed its criticism. “This is an invitation to violate the law”, sounds the. The greens were on the plains. “We have to take into account the reality,” they say. “If we have drugs out of this park banned, they dive just elsewhere.”

According to park manager Cengiz Demirci is mainly illegal, African drug dealers. “The problems here can only stop by giving them a work permit to be issued,” he says. “Then they would immediately stop selling drugs.”

Or the involved drug dealers themselves are willing to take a seat within the pink boxes, it is not immediately clear.