Athletics The case of Caster Semeyna continues to serve thee. That the South African athlete is required to have her testosterone levels now with medication artificially down, knock on a lot of protest and incomprehension. To the extent that the International athletics federation (IAAF) is forced to on its website its position to defend.

Last week was followed by the International Sporttribunaal (BAG) after a long trial, the position of the IAAF, namely, that of Caster Semenya as hyperandrogene athlete an ” unfair’ advantage of her high testosterone levels. An advantage where the 28-year-old South African, of course, can do nothing about it. To be able to walk on international races between 400m and the mile – because the judgment is limited to those distances – should Semenya now medication take to her testosteronwaarde at an acceptable level. That provoked strong reactions and, therefore, decided the IAAF on its website answers to the most frequently asked questions. We give you the most important.

On which athletes, the new regulations apply?

On female (or intersexuele) athletes with abnormal sexual development (DSD: differences in sexual development) . This means that they have the male XY and not the female have XX chromosomes; no fallopian tubes but (internal) testicles; that their testosterone levels in the male range (7.7 to 29,4 nanomol contact per litre of urine) and not in the female (0,06 to 1,68 mmol/L) and that their body that the hormone is actually also utilized.

What some athletes do in order to be able to compete in vrouwencompetities?

If they are not in international competitions: nothing. It goes to an international competition, then they have to testosterone levels during six months under the 5 nanomol contact/L (the maximum value that a woman with fallopian tubes are normal), and then under that limit as they international will continue to come true at distances of between 400m and one mile. In other disciplines applies to that limitation. They can that value down by a daily contraceptive pill or a monthly injection of a GnRH agonist (a drug that the testosteronaanmaak reduces, red.) or the testicles are surgically removed. They can decide for themselves whether they treat or not to undergo and what they choose.

Why limit the legislation to distances from 400m to the mile?

According to the IAAF should the concerned athletes in all of the trials to have an advantage, only wise, the current scientific studies that it is especially the athletes in those disciplines could benefit greatly from their greater strength and muscle mass. Therefore, choose the IAAF for a conservative approach, without, however, exclude that, if in the future there is enough evidence, they have their rules to continue to expand to other disciplines.

Why endorse the IAAF one athlete? How big is this problem in the sport?

The IAAF denies that the rules drawn up with one athlete in mind, but for reasons of privacy-not the number or the names of other athletes about the product. From research I found out that each 1,000 elite athletes such 7,1 DSD-athletes with very high testosterone levels. That would be 140 times more than in the ‘normal’ population. Among the medal winners would that percentage be much higher.

Why is the focus on testosterone, and not to other genetic differences such as leg length, height, or the reach of the poor?

The IAAF recognises that sport genetic distinction rewards but not the difference between women with XX chromosomes and men XY chromosome, the testes form. That produce the testosterone which men compared to women, a large physical advantage. Just to avoid that genetic difference in the result sets, there are separate categories for women and men decorated. The rules are there because the DSD-athletes on the same genetic advantage, that it is unfair to them in the same category as women to make them come true. They make a testosterone levels in the male range, not in the female.

How reliable are these studies?

The IAAF said that it is not only relying on studies of their own medical team and experts, but also on scientific observation and hard data, such as the evolution of performance in DSD-athletes when they should or not medication names their testosteronwaarde arranged. That information will enable the IAAF to confidential reasons, do not share.

What if a DSD-athlete to a world record at a relevant distance would improve during a national meeting, is that valid?

No. To set a world record to break, it must comply with the regulations concerning the allowed level.

individual countries or national laws these rules and contest?

It’s about international rules and must be identical for all countries. That is the reason why the International Sporttribunaal about such conflicts in favour. The TAS acknowledged that there is discrimination (because DSD athletes were treated differently), but rather that which is legitimate is because they are a necessary and acceptable method is to have a fair competition within the female category, to ensure. Summary: the biological reality gets the of the gender identity. The judgment must be according to the IAAF respected and enforced by the national courts.